Monday, July 6, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 7th, 2015

This latest and highly publicized case of an illegal immigrant murdering an American citizen is really nothing new. In this specific case the murderer has been previously deported 5 times. Yes – 5 times! If this case doesn’t wake up America to the immigration problem – no, to the INVASION that is occurring then not much will.

The United States and all for which it stands is being attacked on several fronts including one which is right out in the open – our borders. Yeah, it’s old news and because the vast majority of the country does not feel the effect of this invasion they go on about their daily lives oblivious to the problem. This problem will be ones which generations to come will be dealing with.

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Just received from Mid State Firearms  a 10.5″ SS 5.56mm Gen 2 AR Upper. This will go into building my first AR pistol. I have the stripped lower and parts kit. Will order a buffer tube kit and Sig brace. Mid State provided the bolt carrier group.

10.5gen2(1) (1)

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It is Medical Week here on MSO and I just want to throw out a couple of recommendations.

First – Joe Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P. have done incredible things in helping preppers prepare with a concentration in medical preparedness. They have their very informative website – Loaded with tons of articles there is a lot to read and learn.

Next – they have their online store at They carry a variety of medical preparedness products including medical and dental kits as well as suture and stapling kits. They also carry an assortment of individual supplies such as Celotox Bleeding Control options and books/DVD’s.

They also have a Youtube Channel containing nearly 100 video’s. Check it out HERE.

Lastly – Joe and Amy have their very popular podcast the “Survival Medicine Hour” aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy. In each podcast they discuss a variety of preparedness topics and often have guests. Like their website there is an immense amount of information via the numerous number of podcast episodes.

Joe and Amy are also a sponsor of this website. Thanks Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy!!

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Reports are indicating that Greece is within 48 hours of civil unrest. The Greek economy has come to a halt and bank holidays have been extended through Wednesday.

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Have had a heck of a time this year with some form of Squash Bug. Never experienced this before in about 12 years of gardening in this same spot.





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