Sunday, July 5, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 6th, 2015

Loyal reader sent in news that Ruger has come out with an AR-15 that can be broke down into a very small and portable package. I see a lot of advantages to this unique characteristic with the ability to store it away in small spaces including backpacks, behind and under seats, etc. See it HERE.


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First week of August I will be AFK(away from keyboard). Due to this there will be no posts during this week and I will likely not have the ability to answer any emails. Currently I cannot scheduled posts to automatically publish as I should due to some technical problem. If I get it figured out then that could change things for the week.

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Went and saw Terminator: Genisys this past weekend. Very good. Great entertainment. If you are a fan of the Terminator franchise I highly recommend it.

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Price of silver is very attractive right now. May start picking some up. WOuld like to find a local shop in my area.

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The situation in Greece continues to get worse and people are trying to stock up on food, water, and other essentials as fear of collapse grows.





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