Thursday, July 9, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 10th, 2015

Looks like Greece will be bailed out…..again. Once more governments show no responsibility for their actions.

Amazingly the US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew stated that debt which Greece has accumulated is “not sustainable”. The Greek public debt to income ratio is 180%. Horrible. How does this compare to the United States? The US debt to income ratio according to the IMF is 104.5%. Not as bad as Greece but pathetic still and growing.

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There is now a growing movement to establish pedophilia as an “alternative lifestyle” and as a recognized “sexual orientation”. This movement has been motivated by the language of the Supreme Court’s decision on same sex marriage.

When the White House makes a statement like this with the backing of the Supreme Court…..perspective is everything:

“At root, this isn’t just about our laws; this is about who we are as a people. This is about whether we value one another  — whether we embrace our differences rather than allowing them to become a source of animus.”

What we think as insanity today just may be acceptable tomorrow. History has proven this to be the case.

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Want to be driven a little more insane and require the entire weekend to get back to normal?

The list of things 15-year-olds are not legally allowed to do in Oregon is long: Drive, smoke, donate blood, get a tattoo — even go to a tanning bed.

But, under a first-in-the-nation policy quietly enacted in January that many parents are only now finding out about, 15-year-olds are now allowed to get a sex-change operation. Many residents are stunned to learn they can do it without parental notification — and the state will even pay for it through its Medicaid program, the Oregon Health Plan.


I need a drink.

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Just added a new vendor – KB9VBR J-Pole Antennas – to the list of participating companies offering discounts to Patriot members. Members of The Patriots receive exclusive content and benefits including articles, downloads, vendor discounts, and more.  If you feel you have benefited in some way from ModernSurvivalOnline consider becoming a member to support the site. It cost only $5 per month and you can cancel anytime.

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“Look into the sinking of the Lusitania also,” Cassie added. “The Germans sinking that ship filled with American passengers was the reason the US got involved in World War I. The Germans posted warnings in American newspapers not to sail in the area because it was a war zone, yet the Lusitania sailed right into a place known to be filled with German subs. If the government was looking for public support to get into the war, that event gave them what they wanted.”
Mark Goodwin, The Days of Noah: Book One: Conspiracy

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Have a great weekend!!





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