Thursday, July 30, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 31st, 2015

Folks – political correctness and the Progressive movement has reached an all time ridiculous high.

The New York Post is reporting that the Commission for Human Rights has fined an Indian restaurant for trying to hire a…..wait for it……Indian server. The amount of the fine? $5,000.

How dare they!! How dare an Indian restaurant attempt to do what makes incredible common sense and be allowed to make decisions that is in the best interest of their business.

I guarantee if you go and tell many of the Sheeple out there they won’t believe it and think your joking. It is all fun and games until this pathetic governmental instruction shows up on their doorstep.

This Commission for Human Rights is also attacking businesses that advertise for “waiters” or “waitresses”. No – can’t do that as that is discrimination against sexual gender.

I am sure if a strip club was looking for a transgender worker they would not say anything as that fits within their agenda.

The cesspool is getting larger and the country is drowning.

Besides that…..hope you have a great weekend!!!




Review: Baofeng GT-3 Handheld Ham Radio

The following post was originally published HERE in MSO.

The importance of communication in preparedness cannot be overstated. If it all comes crashing down and normal methods of communication are thrown out the window Ham radio is one solution. Ham radio has been as mystifying to me over the past several years as trying to read hieroglyphics off an Egyptian pyramid wall. Talking to a lot people, reading a few articles, and watching a ton of video’s has helped a lot. It is all starting to come together. Search the ‘net and you can find tons of information on Ham radio. I am no expert and still have a lot to learn.

Baofeng is a name that is extremely popular with Ham operators as they provide inexpensive, entry-level radio’s starting at around $30. Yes – a license is required to TRANSMIT on most any frequency but listening is not a problem.



Out of the Box: My out of the box impression of the Baofeng GT-3 Mark II Handheld Ham radio was very positive. Build quality appears to be first rate. Everything fits, turns, and operates as it should. The included accessories are quite impressive at this price point – charging stand, belt clip, wrist strap, high performance antenna, combo mic/earpiece, and a car charger.


Programming: If you are unfamiliar with programming frequencies into a handheld it can be very intimidating. YouTube and the website can be a huge help. Following manual programming steps can be tedious – but once learned is not that difficult.

Most all of the programming I do is using a laptop along with special software and a programing cable. The software can be downloaded HERE. Again – Youtube has been a huge help and once I programmed a few Baofeng radios it was a breeze. By the way – I use the exact same  cable and software on the GT-3 as I do my other Baofeng UV-5R’s. I have had no issue with compatibility which is a huge benefit.

What am I programming in these radios? There are several local repeaters I have programed into the GT-3 as well as all FRS/GMRS, MURS, Marine, and a few other frequencies  specific to my locale. A total of 128 channels can be stored.


Antenna/Performance: The included SainSonic antenna that comes with the Baofeng GT-3 is a huge improvement over the Baofeng standard antenna.  To put this in perspective I have a group member that lives approx 25 miles from our local repeater. With the standard Baofeng antenna he needed to find the tallest spot on his land and actually hold the radio up a couple feet to obtain clear transmission with the repeater. During comm checks the GT-3 with the antenna SainSonic antenna he was able to reach the repeater 25 miles away without a problem without holding his radio up in the air.

The GT-3 has upgraded internal electronics that are intended to allow it to communicate clearer and further.

25 miles. Not bad for a handheld with a “short antenna”.


LED Flashlight: Certainly having nothing to do with communication but it is a feature of the radio is the inclusion of an LED flashlight at the top between the volume knob and the antenna. Redundancy is something relished by myself and other survivalists and having another option for illumination is certainly not a bad thing. The light on the Baofeng GT-3 is an upgrade over the UV-5R. It is plenty bright enough to walk the dog or make your way through the house in a power outage.


Antenna Mount: The GT-3 has a standard SMA female connector. This provides a huge assortment of antenna options including one of my personal favorites the Nagoya UT-106  UHF/VHF Mobile Antenna.

Many antenna’s are available and are relatively inexpensive.


Belt Clip: I played with the notion of leaving the belt clip off but to be honest it comes in handy. I never carry any of my radios on a belt however I do clip it to pack straps, my pocket, as well as numerous other spots of convenience. It mounts with two small Phillips-head screws securely to the back of the radio and the spring loaded clip is very strong.


Battery: The battery life of the Baofeng GT-3 simply awesome. I have left the radio on for a couple days by mistake and it still had power to receive and transmit. The battery is a 7.4V 1800mAh lithium-ion which provides this performance. Extra batteries are inexpensive at around $16.00.


The battery is removed from GT-3 by pressing down on the button just above the clip and then pushing the battery downward.


Placing the battery back in the radio is a breeze. With the clip installed it needs to be moved out of the way while the battery is slid into place. The battery’s are not heavy or large. Carrying an extra one of two would be no problem.


Exterior Buttons/Displays/Ports:

Call Button – Pressing the Call Button quickly turns on the FM radio. Yes – it has a built-in FM radio. Guess I didn’t mention that. Again – redundancy is in play here. It simply works. Pressing the Call Button and holding it down sends out an annoying ALARM. It’s there but I never use it.

MONI Button: This is the Monitor button. Pressing the MONI button quickly turns on the flashlight. Pressing it again turns on a strobe function to the flashlight. Pressing it again shuts it off. Pressing and holding the MONI button down will release the squelch on whatever frequency your “monitoring”. This feature I never use.

Push to Talk: The black Push to Talk button is located on the left side and is obviously what you push to transmit.


Ports: On the right-side of the GT-3 are the speaker and microphone ports. Standard earphones can be plugged into the speaker port. The included earphone/microphone headset also plug into these ports.


The protective cover stays attached so as not to be lost. I removed it to take the picture above.


Speaker: One of the improvements the Baofeng GT-3 has over the standard UV-5R is the speaker. The sound is clearer and louder. It just flat out sounds better than the UV-5R.


Keypad: The keypad just has a better feel to it than on the UV-5R. Not a big deal really. It also lights up differently than the UV-5R. The keys light up as well as a small area around the keys. On the UV-5R only the keys light up. Not a big deal – but I like the GT-3 better.


Feel: The GT-3 feels good in the hand. Without the belt clip on it is a little slick. SOme friction tape would solve that. Since I always leave the clip on this is a non-issue. The shape of the radio being wider at the top and narrow on the bottom conforms to my hand better than the Baofeng UV-5R.  The UV-5R feels like I’m holding a small piece of 2×4. The GT-3 is so much better.


Display: The display is an area of controversy to many users of the radio. It looks phenomenal when you first turn it on as well as receiving and transmitting.  When the radio sits idle the “backlit” display goes dark.


As can be seen in the picture above – when the display goes dark the information can be seen, but it not easy depending on the light. If I could change one thing with the GT-3 it would be to have an option to leave the backlit display on constantly or just change it to the UV-5R display.

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FINAL THOUGHTS: Costing around $45 the Baofeng GT-3 Mark II Handheld Ham radio is a bargain. The radio has many more features to it not mentioned including its dual-band capability and dual output (4 watts/1 watt). For those looking to get into Ham radio and do not want to spend a fortune this is the way to go.

Back up communications should be an integral part of any preppers plans. I highly recommend getting a few Baofeng GT-3 radio’s and learn how to use them. Don’t forget – to transmit legally a license must be obtained.

For more information click HERE.



Lucid Dreaming | Using a mantra to measure and help improve self-awareness

Go to bed and repeat a mantra to yourself all night long, whether you're dreaming or not, and you will find that resuming the mantra upon losing and regaining consciousness will require the self-awareness to realize that you stopped. So in doing this, the longer you're conscious during your dreams and the better your self-awareness, the sooner and more likely you will repeat your mantra while you're dreaming.

I hope that repeating a mantra all night long can therefore improve in-dream consciousness and self-awareness to the point where it can help myself and others lucid dream!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/30/2015 - Danger Danger

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 30th, 2015

Years ago my brother and I were introduced to paintball. My brother had a Brass Eagle Stingray and I had a Tippmann Carbine. Paintball was new and back then masks were actually optional. We wore goggles. I think back and it was pretty dumb to only have that limited protection.

We played in the property behind his house. A couple acres with two abandoned homes and wooded areas provided ample areas to track, hunt, and take each other out.  I remember one particular situation where I was not sure where my brother was and I needed to travel through a wooded area in order to reach one of the abandoned homes. I walked softly – taking two steps, look – listen – then two more steps and repeat. It took me nearly 20 minutes to cross the area and when I arrived within view of the house I could not see him. As I grew closer I suddenly realized he was standing right in front of me about 20 feet next to a tree. He was well camouflaged. My patience won out however as I raised my barrel and fired taking him out. Patience allowed me to travel through the woods rather silently and get very close to another human who was also looking for me.

Patience is something in short supply nowadays as we live in a world with instant everything. Instant food, instant entertainment, and instant information.

“Good things come to those who wait.”

Well – that is one perspective. I prefer this……

“Good things come to those who work for it – no matter how long it takes.”



The roadwarri0r’s take on basic economic collapse preparedness

One of my favorite YouTube Channels belongs to theroadwarri0r. Although not active currently he still has some great content. Below is one of his video’s related to Economic Collapse preparation. He discusses the basic items needed to prepare in a simple no-nonsense manner.



Right now theroadwarri0r has over 9,000 subscribers and 75 video’s. Check ’em out.



baofeng, UV-5R, radio, communication, survival, prepper, preparedness



Lucid Dreaming | Surfing The Wave Between Asleep And Awake.

Hi Everyone,

Longish post ahead.

I just wanted to put a post up to share something I've found very helpful in getting LD's.

How I get Lucid is from MILD/WILD, I'll use a MILD mantra with WBTB but sometimes slip into a WILD whilst doing it.
After WBTB I'll lay on my back (very important as if I lay or turn on my side I can't guarantee a Lucid and rarely get them!) and repeat with conviction "I'll remember the next time I'm Dreaming", I'll clear my mind the best I can apart from repeating that mantra, then repeat it less and less as I drift off.

Now with WBTB a lot of people say you don't need or really want to be wide awake.
Whilst it's true you can WILD or MILD without being wide awake and some people might find it better that way as we're all different, what I've found is that getting wide awake is very beneficial for LDing!

I don't mean you have to do Algebra or something to get really wired, all I used to do is get up, have a cup of tea (I'm English) and stay up for about half hour or so, (I don't really need to do it now but at first it was vital if I wanted to all but guarantee a Lucid).

When you go back to bed, lay on your back!
If you naturally lay on your back to sleep then you could try turning on your side, but I'm not sure if it's the different sleeping position you're used to, or if it's just something about being on your back that makes a difference.
For me though that small act of lying on my back is night and day, I can't emphasise that enough!

What happens to me is after a little time repeating the mantra I'll drift off and then come back round again, 10 minutes or so have past and usually unless I'm lucky I won't have had a Dream.
I'll then know and think to myself "I haven't hit a REM period yet".
I'll then move position slightly if I'm uncomfortable but remain on my back, use my mantra again and very quickly drift back off.
I'll do this normally only once or twice before hitting a REM period and I suppose it's a bit like I'm surfing a wave between being asleep and awake.

If I hadn't woken myself up enough for WBTB I'd fall back to sleep way to easily, falling into a much to deep of a sleep and wouldn't be able to get into this surfing state.
If I wasn't awake enough once I drifted off the first time, I wouldn't wake again around 10 minutes later and by the time I hit REM (unless of course I was lucky and bang on it) 20, 30, maybe 40 minutes to an hour could have past before I hit REM and the chances of remembering the MILD intent would be slim.

By being wide awake after WBTB, lying on my back and getting in this very light sleeping state, at most it will be around only 10 minutes between your MILD intent and REM, making it much more likely you will become Lucid as the intent is much more fresh.

This is what then usually happens when I do hit a REM period.
I'll see a vivid scene but won't be part of it, more like I'm watching it.
I'll look at my hands but again it's not not like I'm in my body yet, I'll then try to move them a little.
After a very short time I'll try to reach out with them, grab/touch something or clap them together, I'll then sort of click into my Lucid body and the scene will snap into 3D all around me and I'm in!

This works perfectly for me and over time it gets even easier to do.
At first you may find it takes a long time to fall back to sleep but it will get quicker, don't get frustrated if it's hard drifting back off at first!
Sometimes you can lie there for a while and feel wide awake, feeling as if it's going to take ages to fall to sleep but you're actually only seconds away from entering a LD.

If you read all this then I hope it helps.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/29/2015 - Precise Moves

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

From the Desk of John ROurke – July 29th, 2015

It is pretty rare that I do something like this. In fact – I don’t think I ever have. There is a women who I am friends with on Facebook who is going through a pretty horrible set of circumstances. Her name is Erika. Her desperation has piled up to the point that she is asking for help. She has just started a GoFundMe page.

Here is the deal:

Okay so back in April I was hospitalized for Sugar toxicity, my blood sugar was 750, after 6 days on an insulin drip I was released. I now have to use 2 types of insulin and pills, my sugar it’s always high and this has caused nerve damage on my feet and hands… it’s like walking on hot needles. My nursing license expired on June 26th and that was the last day I worked, come to find out the state Board of nursing lost my renewal application, I re sent it but it will take 7 weeks. I don’t have the money to buy my meds, been looking for a job but they won’t hire me without my lic and non medical places say that I’m “over qualified” or that I’ll quit as soon as I get my nursing license back. I have a child to feed and I guess the most logical thing will be to sell my car but it’s all I have and how would I get to work (when I get one) so here I am…. asking for help in my darkest time. I’m all my son has.
My meds are 298 for 30 pills for one prescription and 436 for the other one, I’m trying to get 2 months worth of so that I can get out there and get a job without crying with every step.
thank you for the help, anything will be a blessing.

I have followed Erika for quite some time and will tell you we do not agree politically on all things but she is a good person and a vet.

If you can afford to help – visit her Go Fund Me page here:

If you cannot afford anything please just say a prayer for her.

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This nuclear deal with Iran is more messed up than a soup sandwich. It is now being reported that Iran is demanding that the soil samples used to keep them in line be taken by them. Yes. you read that right. They want to take and provide the samples themselves to give to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Insanity.

This is the level of competence our government is presenting today.

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Idiots: Los Angeles City Council voted yesterday to ban “high capacity” magazines. Apparently they believe that this will somehow reduce crime and eliminate the chance of gun violence.

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DVD Pick: I Want Your Money

I watch a decent amount of TV while trying to relax and especially like educational documentaries.

I came across a documentary that I thought was just fantastic. The title is I Want Your Money. Both funny and educational – here is a summary:

“Drawing on presidential speeches, comic animation and graphics, this rousing political documentary examines the U.S. economy and holds the government accountable, with Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama pitted as flip sides of the federal spending coin. The film describes the course of the American dream during recent administrations, with such politicos as Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee and Andrew Breitbart putting in their two cents.”

With animated appearance of both Bush presidents, Nixon, Palin, Clinton and more – very entertaining. This is not just fluff making fun of the liberal agenda as both sides of the aisle are taken to task when necessary. There are facts and great explanations provided from a small-government and conservative point of view.

Highly recommended.



Rourke’s Weekly Recommendations

Every week I throw out a few recommendations on things such as movies, books, knives, flashlights – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are not related to preparedness whatsoever – rather, just stuff I like. Most are available on Amazon but not all. I have a particular fondness for movies as one of my favorite things to do is to sit back and watch a good one.

So – for this week……here is my list:


Books (non-fiction)

Compact Cabins: Simple Living in 1000 Square Feet or Less

The Backyard Homestead

The Weekend Homesteader



Books (fiction)

Through Many Fires: Strengthen What Remains


Day Zero – Volume 1



Dual Survival TV Series

Ultimate Survival Alaska: Season 1

Mountain Men: Season 1



Lucid Dreaming | Wild snoring but not Lucid ?

So i tried wild!!!

Im lying there doing all the right things and then i notice and observe myself snoring!!! as im snoring away i am aware that i am conscious but im not lucid or dreaming. Now i know that i should be in rem and i must be asleep due to the snoring but im not in a dream. Confused !

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Email issues….no worries

I have received several emails today from people who have received messages that there is a potential hazard related to emails coming from this website. The issue actually is related to an email service – – that I use to accept subscribers and deliver the emails. One of Aweber’s clients themselves were infected by malware. Due to this occurring Google reacted by marking ALL Aweber emails as potentially harmful until the situation has been resolved.

Please understand – there is NO risk of Malware from ModernSurvivalOnline or its emails. Google responded to a threat from ONE website by flagging ALL emails coming from Aweber. This is not the first time and will not be the last.

Thanks – Rourke


Chess Puzzle | 7/28/2015 - A Delicate Process

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | How many dreams per night before I should attempt to LD?

How many dreams per night do you think I should be remembering before attempting to actually have a lucid dream? Right now I average at least one per night, I usually can remember fragments from other dreams and sometimes even shortened versions of other dreams.

I want to know, how many before I am consistently remembering enough so that making an attempt to LD would be logical?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 28th, 2015

Awhile back I published a couple video’s from SouthernPrepper1 related to his being fed up with the government and stating that we need to publicly make our grievances known.

I agree with David that we need to publicly make it known what our grievances are. I think think needs to be done for a few reasons:

1. We need to be able to identify like-minded people who are on our side.

2. We need to tell those who represent us and have the power to generate change what we expect.

3. We need to make sure the opposition is well aware of what we expect as well so they have the option to do the right thing.

I have no delusions that the opposition will not do the right thing. I have no delusion that those who represent us will encounter pushback IF they are like-minded and try to do the right thing. We should at least make the effort. We need to do the right thing ourselves.

So over the coming months I will be listing my own grievances. I hope to find others that maybe don’t understand the issues and educate them to the point that they themselves come onto our side. If we can all do that imagine the change that could take place.

Here is just one example:

go explore (3)





Review: Olight S80 750 Lumen LED Flashlight

If you hate having to read through an entire review article just to find out of the author would recommend the product or not let me help you out: This flashlight is awesome! With that said I have just recently found out that this model has been discontinued. Before you run and get a box of tissues have no fear for it is still available from numerous retailers and other Olight models can be had.

My Olight S80 came via If you are a frequent visitor to MSO you may know that I have recently been promoting as they have some very unique products at great prices. The drawback is shipping can often taken up to 30 days as the product is coming direct from China. So – it is a decision: If time is not essential and you can wait some great deals can be had.

Back to the Olight S80……

The Olight S80 750 lumen Baton LED flashlight uses a very unique and rechargeable battery – the 26650 lithium ion. Although many may consider this unique battery a serious drawback it is rechargeable and extras can be purchased online inexpensively.


The S80 comes in a very nice plastic case with all contents laid out nicely. This is not a Wal-Mart special rather this high end product is packaged as such. Included with the light is the charging cable, battery, holster, manual, and an extra lens that I have never used.

Fit, Finish and Feel: The Olight S80 is what I would call a medium sized flashlight sitting at approx 6″ long and 1.25″ in diameter. The cosmetic finish looks great with a glossy black anodizing. The white lettering is bold and certainly contrasts well against the black.

Everything feels solid with nothing loose. Threads are tight, the button works as it should, and the glass lens is crystal clear. I would like to see a surface not quite so smooth and provides a better grip. When wet the light can be a bit slippery but to be honest I am probably being too critical.


The light can be stood on its end cap for projecting light straight upward.  This would be valuable if trying to illuminate a room.


At the rear of the light on the end cap is the charging port. A rubber plug is secured to the light and simply pulls out of the way for insertion of the of the charging plug.


Performance: The Olight S80 performs fantastically. It’s 750 lumen CREE XM-L LED throws an extremely bright beam that is what I would reference as “focused”. Although not a flood lam due to its brightness the area around and on either side of the beam certainly receives a decent amount of light.

Below are a couple examples of “before and after” pictures showing the brightness of the S80:


Side of House – no light



Side of House – Olight S80 750 lumens





Across the street approx 125 yards away – no flashlight. There is an exterior house light on.



House across the street with Olight S80 with 750 lumens – same external house light is on.


Value: As mentioned this flashlight has been discontinued but is still available from many online retailers. Cost? I am seeing it for around $60. I consider it well worth it. For $60 you get a rechargeable, 750 lumen, rugged flashlight – and did I mention waterproof? It is IPX-8 rated meaning it can be completely submerged.

Summary: No doubt you can tell I like the Olight S80.

High recommendation.

Due to this light being discontinued there is a similar Olight available sitting at 750 lumens – the Olight M21X L2 Warrior. This thing is n my wish list and looks to be more affordable than the S80.



M21X L2 Warrior 750LM Cree XM L2 4 Modes LED Waterproof Flashlight

Olight M21X L2 Warrior 750LM Cree XM L2 4 Modes LED Waterproof Flashlight



Download Highlight: FM 21-76-1 Survival, Evasion, and Recovery



Army Field Manual FM 21-76-1 (Survival, Evasion, and Recovery) is the United States Army’s official guide to survival. With an emphasis towards the soldier who may be trapped behind enemy lines or in a combat zone, the field manual focuses on essential topics such as evasion, navigation, radio communications, signaling, recovery, medical, personal protection, water, food, and other extreme circumstances that the soldier may face. Army Field Manual FM 21-76-1 (Survival, Evasion, and Recovery) is a must for military buffs and a useful survival guide for anyone venturing into the wilderness.


You can download the manual here at ModernSurvivalOnline for free – just follow the link below:

Download Now

If you wish to purchase a hardcopy version – here you go:

 (Army Field Manual FM 21-76 (Survival, Evasion, and Recovery)

 See this and many other books, articles, manuals and video’s in the Free Download area



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Menu Driven Survival & Preparedness Information Software

Preparedness Inventory Tracker

Printable Shooting Targets

Food Storage Tracker and Analysis Spreadsheet



My Ultimate Budget Self Defense Handgun Recommendation

The Fresnel Lens for Fire Starting



coming soon…..





Lucid Dreaming | 1 dream 10 dream signs, no LD

So its been 5 weeks since my last short lucid dream. Each day i journal up to 4 dreams, i have great recall and lots of rem each night. I meditate daily and am mindfull all day with reality checks every half hour. Each time i meditate i say ' next time i see a (dream sign) i will reality check'

I see dream signs all the time but nothing ever happens

Lat night i had a dream that had 5 dream signs in all in the same room!!! that contained the dream, but still unable to recognize or become lucid. I then had another 3 dreams and my dreamsigns were in all of these but no LD!!

Why cant i get lucid. When i first started training 12 weeks ago i had 8 lucids within the first 2 weeks then they stopped. I have not changed anything and i have a committed and positive mindset

I dont know what to do to make my dreamsigns trigger lucidity and really appreciate any help. I am 45 years old

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/27/2015 - Under Oath

via - Play. Learn. Share.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Simple One-Chip Regenerative Receiver

Crystal radios may be the simplest kind to make, but regenerative receivers are more practical and only a little more complicated. A recent design by [Selenium] is super simple because it uses a single LM386 audio amplifier IC.

You might be surprised that you can convert an audio amplifier to a receiver using just a handful of components (a variable capacitor, a coil, a handful of capacitors, and a speaker). However, [Selenium] realized he could subvert the gain and bypass pins to cause regeneration and wound up with a very simple receiver.

If you haven’t looked at regenerative receivers before, the principle is simple (and dates back to 1912). An oscillator is an amplifier that gets (theoretically) an infinite amount of gain at one particular frequency. A regenerative receiver is just an amplifier that is almost (but not quite) at the point of oscillation. This give it very high frequency-specific gain and a measure of selectivity. You can also nudge the receiver just into oscillation to receive CW or SSB signals.

[Selenium] built his prototype on an old receiver chassis because it had the IC and the variable capacitor already in place. However, others have built successful copies on breadboards ([Austin Heller] created several good looking breadboard versions) and on PCB material. [Selenium] also released some other unique LM386-based designs that use more parts (and, probably, have better performance). Looks like a simple way to build a practical receiver.

Filed under: radio hacks

via Hackaday » radio hacks

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 27th, 2015

Another reminder that next week I will be AFK. I will not be responding to emails, comments, or dealing with any website issues until August 8th at the earliest. If you see any issues please email me at emergencycd (at) gmail (dot) com. I will get to it when I am able.

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This past Saturday went shooting with a co-worker who is a first time gun owner. He followed my advice and bought a Canik TP9SA from  He loves it. I am almost ready to write up my complete evaluation on mine.


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Amazon has the Baofeng UV-5R dual-band ham radio for less than $30.00. Actually as I type this it is $26.25. This is the lowest I have ever seen it so likely it will not stay that low for long.

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I have been critical of Trump for making some pretty stupid statements but I just listened to one of his speeches. He made a lot of sense to be honest. He certainly appeals to those who are tired of the same old politicians.

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So we made a great deal with Iran? Unbelievable we are giving them billions of dollars which will NO DOUBT fund terrorism against the United States and its allies. I just don’t get it.

Anyone that has any doubt of Iran’s intentions can check out this tweet from Iran’s supreme leader:


A few thoughts on gun control…..

Gun control is certainly on the lips of many today due to recent news headlines and gun control is one issue that I certainly have opinions on.

Top online criminal justice programs, police academies, and everything in between all teach that as guns are harder to legally buy so increases the illicit market and use of other weapons. This truth is often ignored by news media and groups critical of gun use, especially in the wake of sensational stories.

The recent shooting in Charleston have spurred talk on gun control all across the country. Often when a mass shooting gets a lot of press – “gun control” will be mentioned as something that could have prevented what occurred and what should be put in place to prevent future occurrences.


Let me start off by stating for the record – I support the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. Period. I believe that our forefathers placed the right to bear arms into the Constitution for a reason – and it was not for the creation of our military and police forces. It also had nothing to do with hunting.


A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

The Minute Man statue - Concord, Mass.

The Minute Man statue – Concord, Mass.


Knowing the history of how the United States came to be I firmly believe that the above statement refers to the ability of the people to possess firearms – not just the government. The citizens must have the ability to hold the government in check.

The mass shooting in Charleston was a tragedy for all involved and their families. It is an unfortunately reality that there are sick, crazy, malicious and evil people in this world with an intent that is no better than they are. The argument that decent, law-abiding citizens should have their rights affected due to those that are not decent, law-abiding citizens is unjust, unfair and against our Constitutional rights. Whether it be the Virginia Tech massacre or the Charleston shooting – those psycho’s that perpetrated these acts would do so regardless of any law.

The bottom line is that gun control laws only affect those that will obey them – law abiding citizens. Criminals are termed that for a reason – they break the law. How many drug dealers and gang-bangers are purchasing their firearms at local gun shops following laws?

Now – here is where I may stir a response from you. Over the years I have believed that some logical gun control and regulation is just responsible and common sense. I have no problem with a background check. I do not have a problem with certain age requirements. I can tell you that my opinions are changing and the requirements and/or obstacles to purchasing a firearm should be extremely minimal. If I want to own a suppressor – that is my right. If I want to own a fully automatic machine gun – why not? I am a law abiding citizen.

The problem with the gun control proponents is that if you give them an inch – they will take a mile. What I mean by this is every regulation, every law is one step towards their eventual desired goal – the banning of guns altogether. Not all gun control advocates want this – but a very large majority.

Being able to defend myself, my family, and my property goes beyond “God given” – it is built into the genetic makeup of the human species to protect that which is nurtured and cared for. For some political group, “cause” or politician to suggest that I am not allowed to possess a pistol that can shoot 17 shots or a semi-automatic rifle because I can affix a bayonet to it is not just pathetic – it is idiotic.

There are 40,000 people killed every year in automobile accidents. 40,000!! I don’t hear anyone suggesting cars should be banned. Hmmmmm…….

One final thought. What if someone with a Concealed Weapons Permit was present at Virginia Tech or in Charleston for either one of those shootings?




Lucid Dreaming | Bed Firmness and Lucidity. Sleeping on floor?

So, I'm about to purchase a new bed, and I've decided on a traditional Japanese style floor futon. What I'm wondering is if this has any affect on the frequency of lucid dreams. Does anyone else here have experience with sleeping on a firm surface/futon/the floor and how it affected your dream recall or lucidity?


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Lucid Dreaming | Bad Awareness

Finally! I managed to record my dreams for a full week :U

Unfortunately no lucid dreams though :/ Well, I had some general semi-lucidity I think, such as where I know I have dream powers, but where I still sort of consider the people and situations in the dream real e.e It's a fairly common thing for me.

Anyways, now that my recall has been pretty consistent I want to focus more on getting lucid. It's really hard to gain full lucidity though -___- I've been having the problem where a lot of my dreams are about playing video games so then the fantastical situations seem normal. I think my main problem is that I just need general awareness even in waking life so that maybe it will carry on into my dreams, because if I was even slightly paying attention in my dreams then I would realize how ridiculous the situations are >__>

I've also been looking for dream signs so that I can maybe do reality checks throughout the day. I really don't like doing them though :/ but perhaps it's necessary. However, one of my biggest dream signs I think is being with my family. Currently I am living in another city away from them so I don't really see them for months, but they're in almost all of my dreams, especially my two younger sisters :0 I'm not sure how I'd use them as a dream sign though. Also, the video game stuff is probably a good dream sign '_____' I should probably be paying more attention when I'm playing games. How often though?

What do you guys do for awareness? Do you just back-track your day every once in a while? Evaluate why you're doing something when you do it? What are your techniques?

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Lucid Dreaming | Can't Lucid Dream for over a year.

As you can tell by the title, you probably know that i am not able to lucid dream. I've been trying for over a year, and still nothing. I try very hard every night.
I write in my dream journal every morning, and my dream recall is very good.
I have tried a couple methods of attaining lucid dreams, but neither of them worked. I have tried WILD and FILD.
Please tell me what I should do, because I think I'm starting to lose confidence.

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Chess Puzzle | 7/26/2015 - V.Tkachiev - L.Dominguez-Perez, Tal Memorial World

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | my own MILD Scenery

Hi all. when im trying to MILD the general advice is to remember the last dream, reply it and imaging becoming lucid in it. Fir me I prefer to use my own made up scene which is basically me walking around the streets where i live, i imagine seeing placards says ' do a reality check' and i mantra ' next time i dream i will remember to do lots of reality checks'

Is there any disadvantage to visulization using a non recent dream. I prefer to visualize my local street because i can vividly recall all the details as i know the place so well. is this a good way to visualize?

ps: i dont mind if my lucid dream begins in my street as i can always recreate a new scene once luicid

any thoughts guys? :-)

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Chess Puzzle | 7/25/2015 - J. Sehwers 1916

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Friday, July 24, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | I just thought of something..

I just had a thought on a way to induce lucid dreams, and to be honest it sounds weird but it could have a chance of working..

Pretend to assign an invisible alarm that has a special noise that you can recognize easily, Then sleep normally with the belief that this alarm will surely go off later and "wake you up"..

When this alarm starts ringing, you are in a false awakening/dream..

Despite sounding like an interesting method, it sure sounds weird.. Any thoughts?
Attached Images

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Preparing Kids for Their First Hunting Trip

by Cherie

What do you remember about your first hunting trip? What do you want your son, daughter or grandchild to remember about theirs? Below are tips to keep young ones in high spirits and excited about their first hunting trip. From advances in bug repellent to clever strategies for teaching gun safety, you’re sure to have an unforgettable first hunt.

Eye and Skin Protection

Sunscreen and a hat are always a must in the summer to protect young skin. Also consider several forms of insect repellent. Having multiple levels of protection means you won’t have a miserable child covered in bug bites. Plus, there are so many methods of bug repellent new to the market, none of which involve getting nasty-tasting bug spray in your mouth. There are personal fans, bracelets and wipes that will be much easier to get kids to wear. REI carries a variety of insect repellents you can try.shutterstock_246542590

Protecting young eyes from the elements is top priority, especially if you plan on tracking big game over mountainous terrain. Impaired vision from sun glare could cause a young one to misstep and fall. Consider polarized sunglasses, which are especially important to counteract the glare on large bodies of water and snow. And never underestimate a child’s ability to lose or break the lenses. Revant Optics stocks high-performance replacement lenses that are easy to switch out on the trail.

Weather Protection

Hand warmers for cold-weather conditions are key. For possible rain, bring plastic grocery bags to wrap around their feet and tie at the ankles (because nothing is more pitiful than a kid with cold, wet feet). If you’re worried about the heat, freeze everything in your cooler before heading out. You’ll need less ice and have more room for other supplies.

Practice Makes Perfect

Prepare the kids before you go. Setting up camp, tracking, lining up a shot — all these things take timing, patience and practice. The more practice you can get before the big hunt, the more confident your little hunter will be.

Set up the tent in the backyard together. Practice longer and longer hikes or walks around the neighborhood (again, this is especially helpful if you’ll be tracking game for long distances). During these hikes is a great time to practice scouting local wildlife like birds and squirrels and practicing hand signals and staying quiet.

This is also a great time to test out and break in their hiking shoes. Don’t forget to bring moleskin and bandages for unexpected blisters that could ruin the day if you’re unprepared.

Learning in the Wild

First, contact your state fish and wildlife agency to learn the hunting laws in your state. Many states have different age and education requirements even for minors. Make sure your child’s first hunt is 100 percent legal.

Next is gun safety. Field and Stream has great tips for instilling good firearm handling habits early. Our favorite is taking your young sportsman to the range. Stress the utmost importance of muzzles being pointed up, down or downrange, no exceptions. Insist on eye and ear protection, and make sure you always wear it yourself.


Lucid Dreaming | How does Mild (Visualization) work?

Yesterday i've read a tutorial for Mild and also tried it that night the first time. Surprisingly i got a lucid dream at the same night.
I visualized a place where i have been and said a mantra a few times while doing this. I didnt use dream signs. Also i'm currently not trying any other lucid techniques.

So how does the visualization help me to get lucid? The place from my visualization & my LD weren't the same either.

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Chess Puzzle | 7/24/2015 - Sachodakin, 1932

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 24th, 2015

One of MSO’s many readers “Rob” offered to send me a bunch of old issues of “SURVIVE” magazine. Awesome! As a teenager I would anxiously await each and every copy at my local newsstand. I would read them cover to cover absorbing every word.


Thanks Rob!!

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Read that the Department of Justice is looking at opening a case to investigate a gun shop who states they will not serve Muslims. It may sound harsh but I have no issue with this. The public can decide whether to do business with them or not. Guess I am getting more Libertarian. Guess it is OK to have Black Entertainment Television and EBONY magazine but a gun shop cannot chose who to do business with.

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Right now one of my favorite flashlights  – the Sunwayman C22C – is only $37.96. This is for a limited time. You can read my review of this excellent light HERE.

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AS I finish this up it was just announced that another shooting at a movie theater occurred in LA. I pray for the victims. No doubt the anti-gun crowd will seize the moment.

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Have a great weekend everyone.




Review: Dropdown Weapon Light Mount

A few weeks ago I purchased an Off-Set Tactical Light Mount for my AR. So far – I have been very pleased. Matched up with a Streamlight Polytac LED Flashlight – this is an excellent system system for illuminating targets in night conditions.

tactical, light, AR-15, M4, survival, preparedness, TSHTF, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI

The mount attaches to a picatinny rail or weaver base via a single knurled knob which can be hand-tightened. It also can be tightened with a wrench – but I found that not necessary.

With this offset design – it is very easy to access the button for a momentary on/off using the hand holding the fore-grip. When maneuvering  – a simple touch to the button on the back of the Polytac shines a super bright light downrange.

4 screws hold the upper and lower halves of the rings together and engulf the flashlight. Rings are for 1″ flashlights which is very standard. After shooting a couple of hundred rounds – I did not have any issues with the rings or mount loosening up. Would not be a bad idea to Loc-tite the rings to a flashlight if it is a dedicated system.

Wondering what lurks in the dark? I don’t anymore.

At $6.00 (at the moment) plus Free Shipping on orders over $35.00 – I think it is a pretty good deal. Grab the Polytac while you’re at it for around $40.00 – great light.

Click HERE for more information.



Lucid Dreaming | Time Based PM Induction Method

Hi all, i have been reading up about time based prospective memory and think this technique could work. After doing a WBTB we could lie down to MILD and repeat the phrase 'In `15 minutes i will remember to do a reality check'

Providing that we have strengthened our PM abilitys using daily exercises then this could be an easy way to induce lucidity

Throught the day we could train ourselfs by setting time based reality checks for instance ' I will do a reality check in 15 mins' and once this is done simply repeat all day

it would then seem logical that this would work after a wbtb when rem is minutes away

... or am i missing something ?!?!

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Lucid Dreaming | Am I on the right track? Where can I improve?

Hello Everyone.

I Have been interested in Lucid Dreaming for some time now but only ever had a couple of experiences in a few years.

I have tried a couple of times but always failed and given up.

But this time is different I want to experience lucid dreams regularly and will do whatever it takes.

I just need some re-assurance that I am on the right track and if there is anything I should change in my routine to help things along.

So far I do the following.

  • Dream Journal - I recall my dreams regularly, at least one dream a night gets recorded in as much detail as possible
  • Reality checks - I perform as many reality checks as I can during the day. I hold my hands up and count my fingers asking to myself "am I dreaming?" (Should I be telling myself "I AM dreaming?")
  • Prospective memory techniques - Using Laberge's techniques I find 4-5 things to remember throughout the day (Phone ringing, See a bird, See a certain vehicle, turn on a light etc....) When I see it I make a mental note and perform a realty check
  • Plenty of sleep - I have started going to bed earlier, I used to be one of those people who would stay up till around midnight on my computer or Ipad before going to bed, I have recently started hitting the hay a lot earlier to increase my REM sleep periods and just have healthier sleep in general
  • WBTB - I am trying to work with WBTB I currently go to bed at 10:30 and set my alarm for 4:00 then when I wake up I sit up. have a drink and think about LD for some time and try and focus on having a Lucid dream. Then after 10-15 minutes I go back to bed..... And this is where I struggle.
    I have tried MILD constantly repeating over and over and over in my head "I will realise that I am dreaming" while visualising myself reality checking... But then I fall asleep and then nothing happens till I wake up.
    I have tried WILD a couple of times also. But after relaxing my body and becoming numb, nothing seems to happen. very Little hypnogogic imagery to focus on or carry me off. Every so often I will feel like I am floating above my bed but never get much further, I have no fear of Sleep Paralysis I just lay there focusing on my breathing and staring into the back of my eyelids.
    I have also experimented with FILD, I seem to have more luck with FILD but I always seem to have a false awakening instead and forget to RC

Am I doing everything right? Is it just a case of practicing more and more until I get it down?

Is there anything you can suggest that I do to help? Can you see anything glaringly obvious in my routine that would be causing me problems? Where any of you in a similar situation recently and had a breakthrough?

Many thanks in advance for all your help.

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Chess Puzzle | 7/23/2015 - Road Block

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 23rd, 2015

Health & Fitness Update:  A few weeks ago my back developed a muscle spasm that was very painful. I am at about 95% right now and doing sooooo much better. A few days of trigger point massage – which is painful in itself – has taken care of it.

I continue to stray from Crossfit. The reason is primarily a few injuries and a lack of motivation to kill myself the way that Crossfit is. I still coach a class at my local Crossfit every Tuesday night however I have been getting back into more of a bodybuilding-style workout.

Strength remains good while working around some minor shoulder issues:

close-grip bench press – 255 max

front squat – 245 max

overhead machine press – 200 for 6 reps(entire stack)

Just a few examples.

My blood pressure has been doing better and I am on medication. I have a follow up appoint this morning.

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Russian bombers flew 39 miles of the California coast on July 4th. Maybe they were just watching some fireworks.

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Working on updating my “Preparedness Store” here within the pages of MSO. Assortment of items which are mostly from Amazon covering a wide range of preparedness categories.

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Any opinion on the header at the top of the screen? I am trying to change it up and just playing around. If it doesn’t look any different it may take some time to change.

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It was released today that most of those killed in the Chattanooga military shooting were hunted down inside the building. Chalk those killing up for another victory for the anti-gun crowd. Ridiculous.




Video of the Week: 5 easy survival food preps


YouTube is an absolutely incredible source of information on almost anything you can think of. Every week we feature a new video related to a variety of topics such as firearms, first aid, gardening, security, food storage, water filtration….and current events. 

Here is a video with 5 easy food preps




The Essential Camping Checklist for the Prepared Parent

by Cherie

You just can’t beat a family camping trip. While the world around grows more complex (for better or worse), nature always stays the same. A tent, campfire and a cooler of food is all you need to enjoy the great outdoors and bond with your family in a way that just can’t be done at Disneyland.

But while nature and the experience remains evergreen, the equipment we use to camp has come a long way. Retailers like REI and Backcountry have flourished in recent years because hiking and camping enthusiasts feed their hobbies with the latest and greatest items. Simply put, there’s some awesome gear out there to make your next family camping trip both fun and safe.

Road Trip Essentials

Before camping can begin, you need to arrive at the site in one piece. The best campgrounds usually have dirt roads leading to the entrance (especially if you’re going with dispersed camping), and the drive can be rough. Hopefully, you have an AWD SUV to navigate the terrain, but even if you don’t, be sure to keep these supplies in check:

  • All Purpose Tires: Low profile or balding tires don’t fare well on dirt roads. TireBuyer and BF Goodrich have a handy tool to help find a good pair of tires that match your vehicle.
  • Roadside Emergency Kit: With rough roads comes the possibility of a breakdown. Make sure you have all the equipment needed to change a tire (spare, jack and bar) and a small shovel to dig your vehicle out of the mud if you get stuck.

Camping Gear

This is where camping has turned up its game. If you want to hit the trails like a true outdoorsman with your family, here are a few items that can help you do it:

Sleep: Marmot Tungsten 4-person, 3-season tent ($339)

Marmot is one of the premier outdoors companies that makes an incredible tent for a decent price. The 4-person Tungsten has spacious room for three but can still accommodate four. The vestibule (the tarp over the door) is large and can shield several sleeping bags from wind, rain and wildlife.

Lounge: ENO DoubleNest Hammock ($70)

Not all sleeping happens inside the tent. When you find the right scenery and a pair of trees to string up a hammock, it’s a thing of beauty. The ENO DoubleNest is lightweight and packs into a small pouch, making it easy for travel. It’s roomy and can easily fit two people (up to 500 pounds). A hammock is a great way to kick back and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.

Fun: Gibbon Classic Slackline ($70)

Camping is also more than sleeping and campfires â€Å —â€Å  everyone wants to have some fun out in nature. A slackline is an active and challenging way to test your balance and stability. A slackline is a seatbelt-like material that’s strung between two trees that you walk across like a tightrope. It’s much harder than it looks and is a fun activity to try and master over time.

Baby Transportation: Osprey Poco Premium Child Carrier ($300)

The price may shock you, but the Poco Premium is the Bentley of baby carriers and made by Osprey, arguably the best outdoors backpack manufacturer in the world. The Poco can safely and comfortably carry your infant, a water reservoir and a good amount of your gear for miles. If you’re going to make it a true family trip, why not give the baby special treatment?




Lucid Dreaming | How to find rem cycles.

I'm going to keep this thread short and simple because all I'm looking for is some advice to find my rem times during the night. I've tried a few times by setting alarms during the night and then trying to remember a dream. So far I haven't really remembered any dreams from doing this. Also I don't wake up during the night after dreams so I can't really find out my rem cycle like that. I'm open to try any sugestions so I can start getting more results.

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Lucid Dreaming | conclusion of a reality check

Hi all (again) :-)

When i have performed a quality reality check what should i say to myself. For example, should i say (in my head) 'nope, im not dreaming' or ' this is waking life' or should i just say nothing. I heard that we should never say that we are not dreaming after a reality check. So should we do our check and then continue or is there a good way to get 'closure' after a reality check?

Thank s

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Lucid Dreaming | WILD through Stage 2 sleep

Hi, i am trying to WILD during a wbtb but as i understand it, i have to go through a short spell of stage 2 sleep before REM in most cases. What sensations would i feel to know that im in stage 2 sleep?

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Chess Puzzle | 7/22/2015 - S.Karjakin - A.Grischuk, Tal Memorial World Blitz

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 22nd, 2015

Options are always good. I know a few people who have bought inserts for their shotguns to shoot a variety of calibers in their shotguns beyond just the normal 12 gauge. Not sure how accurate these things can be but being able to utilize an assortment of ammunition is certainly beneficial.

I have a group member that has done something similiar with his Glock. Having extra barrels and magazines allows for interchangeability between 40S&W and 9mm using the same frame. Add a .22LR upper to the frame and now 3 calibers can be shot out of one gun.

A loyal reader sent in some information to me of a very similar nature. A picture is worth a 1,000 words:

IMG_5518 (1)


In this case four calibers in one gun.





