Monday, November 2, 2015

Call to Action – November 15’……..FOOD

act-nowThis is the first installment of a new monthly series called “Call to Action”. Call to Action (CTA) is a monthly reminder to review one part of your prep’s and strengthen it.

This month is looking at what I consider the most important prep…

Most any size crisis can effect the ability to acquire food. Whether it’s a winter storm, hurricane, or all out economic collapse – food can suddenly become a very large concern. Without it things can go south in a hurry.

This month I am looking at my own food supplies. I can see that certain types have been used up without replenishing, while others are just fine. Freeze dried food is an area that I need to shore up – and will be doing so this month. Canned meat is another area I am lacking and have already started increasing my supplies.

Everyone has a vision for what they are preparing for and everyone has particular geographical, economic, and family situations to take into account.

Here are a few links on food storage:

“The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.”

— Calvin Trillin

So – take inventory on your stored food and dedicate some resources to improve what you have. With the recent ammunition shortage many of you may have felt frustrated, even stressed thinking to yourself, “Man, I should have stocked up when it was available and cheap.”

Don’t let that same thing happen in a crisis when you are looking at feeding your family.

If you are willing to share your food storage plans – please do!




Emergency Essentials/BePrepared


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