Monday, November 9, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Nap WILDs are too short.

Hi. I've been having nap WILDs for 12 consecutive days, one WILD a day. The problem is; the dreams are too short.

Or should I say unstable?

I enter SP within 3 minutes, and the dream kicks in right after. I wake up in the dream, and RC. The RC tells me I'm dreaming. But my body does not move well, and it's stiff as hell. It takes effort for me to RC. After I make sure I'm dreaming, I try to touch a lot of things to make the dream clear and stable.

The problem? I wake up.

I try to shout out 'Clarity!' and I do it in real life, waking me up.

I try to rub my hands together and I do it in real life, waking me up.

Can you identify the problem for me?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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