Saturday, November 14, 2015



My prayers go out to the people of France. I pray that they come together in solidarity to fight the evil which exists not only there but around the world. I hope the french government will step up to the plate and take the appropriate action to protect their citizens and to hold accountable those responsible.

I also hope the world learns from this tragedy.

France recently took in 30,000 refugees from Syria. The majority of these refuges are able-bodied men. Much of Europe and the United Stats have agreed to take in these refugees although many have warned that ISIS will plant cells using this refugee movement. Significant problems are being experienced throughout Europe as these refugees dissipate into towns and cities bringing violence with them.

Understand this: They are not arriving with intentions of assimilating respectfully into their new country.

Take a good, hard look at what is happening in Paris and the rest of Europe. Get ready folks because they are coming to the United States and those ISIS implants will join their brothers who are already here.

Stay frosty my friends.






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