Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | ADA (All Day Awareness) inquiry

I read the amazingly insightful tutorial created by KingYoshi regarding All Day Awareness (ADA) located here: All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi

As a person who is constantly on the computer, or staring at some type of screen nearly the entire day, it is hard for me to grasp exactly what this heightened awareness spoken of in the tutorial is meaning. I mean, I am aware of things; I notice everything that I do, and I feel as if I am aware of everything that I do in my environment. However, the fact that I'm completely unaware in dreams argues against this idea! An elephant could fly out of the sky, and land on a house and I would simply shrug it off and say "Oh, that makes sense." and move on with my dream.

This sad realization has made me come to the reality that my awareness may not be as good as I think it is, and I would like to know how to increase it. KingYoshi did a wonderful job at describing the ADA theory, but for handicapped people like myself, I'm having a hard time understanding how to increase awareness. Is there something active I need to do, that takes effort? Or just take notice of everything in the room? I'm having a hard time deciding if this is something passive I need to be doing or actively seeking out. I definitely am aware of all of the actions I make, I know every key I press and every letter I write. Is there something more that I am missing?

Any kind of sight on this would be much appreciated - I truly would like to increase my awareness, I just do not know how to improve from where I am currently at.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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