Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Prospective Memory strengthening techniques?

Just wanted to hear if anyone has some different ways of strengthening prospective memory or have had success noticing their prospective memory getting stronger? I feel like I’m not getting anywhere and that my inability to remember to do something when I want to remember to do it seems to be holding me back. I have quite okay dream recall, I practice awareness techniques and I am doing reality checks throughout the day at both random intervals and when I reminded with the use of Lucille on my computer but I do not think this helps with my prospective memory.

I have read the way to strengthen prospective memory is this – choose something like “every time I see an animal” or “every-time I turn on a light switch” or “the next time I get in my car” at the start of the day create a strong intention to do a reality check at each of those moments. After doing a few days with the same one choose something different. And then add on so you are doing 2-3 different ones each day.
My frustration is that I have been practicing for months now and what always seems to happen is that I either completely forget to do the RC or, quite often, I remember about 5 min after seeing the thing that was supposed to trigger me, so I have a delayed response.

Do other types of memory practices help or is there any other way to go about this? Is this a successful method for most people to strengthen their prospective memory and get up to having multiple triggers per day and remembering to do a RC (do I just have something wrong with my brain?)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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