Monday, November 23, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – November 24th, 2015

Over the past few months it has been a struggle in the gym. A real lack of motivation has been plaguing my efforts. Crossfit has been the mainstay of my fitness system however a few injuries have sidelined that type of workout intensity. Shoulder issues and muscle spasms are not real motivational to go out there and lift stuff up and put it down. I have been a member of the YMCA however my partner changed his work schedule and he could no longer make it at 5:30am for weight lifting.

Feeling the serious need for a change I just joined Gold’s Gym here locally. Place is really nice and they have all the equipment the YMCA didn’t. Feeling like I am back in the late 80’s/early 90’s. I will continue to go to Crossfit mostly for the Olympic lifting and occasional HIIT class. At Gold’s? It’s time to lift stuff up and put stuff down. Heavy stuff that is.

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Heading out to shoot my new-to-me Winchester Model 70 in .270 Win. Will report how it does. Scope is 6-18X. Curious to see if point of impact changes as magnification changes.

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Good News: Cruz #2 in Iowa.

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…….and he has.

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For those willing to answer –

Do you prefer to have your loadout on a vest with pouches or on your waist?

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Two days till its time to stuff myself to the point the Post Office will assign me my own zipcode. Looking forward to it.

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Emergency Essentials is having some special pre-Black Friday sales. One example is their Heirloom Seed Combo Pack. This is for long term storage. On sale for $24.99.





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