Sunday, November 29, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Main technique for LDs

Hey guys,
I'm pretty new to LDing, having heard of it a couple of months ago. I began DJing, and ADA during the day, plus SSILD once or twice every night. With this, I had a LD every 10 days on average.
While this is nice, I was wondering if the frequency of my LDs would increase over time, and if it would be dependent on the ADA (more ADA practice = more LDs with SSILD).
So should I keep on doing SSILD with ADA, or switch to MILD with RCs throughout the day to improve my prospective memory? I know that MILD success improves with practice, but can the same be said regarding SSILD?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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