Sunday, November 8, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | I usually wake naturally after every REM cycle. What would be the best method for me to LD?

I used to have LDs semi-frequently before I took a long break from lucid dreaming. Since coming back I haven't had a lucid dream yet, and I think my sleep cycle/brain/everything is very different from how it was 6 years ago as I grew up during this time. I used to be able to FILD into a dream if I didn't move after waking up and also had quite a few DILDs, but it seems now I always fall asleep before it works (and I do RC when I wake up). If you were a professional LD advisor what would you suggest to someone who wakes up naturally about 5-6 times a night or after every REM cycle? I've had luck using a DJ app and MILD to increase my recall :cheeky:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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