Sunday, November 22, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – November 23rd, 2015


Here is some interesting information. Ever think about the very first Thanksgiving? Wonder what it may have been like? I have listened to this short podcast from Jason Akers several times. Check it out HERE.

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Recent picture of me and Jake. Bella is too sophisticated to jump up on a recliner. Jakes up to 64 pounds. Bella remains at 50. My Beast!!

They both shed horribly and get hair on everything. I could care less. We clean it up frequently and enjoy their company.

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The debate on refugees coming into this country from my perspective is a simple one. There is no way these people can be vetted to ensure our safety, thus, they do not come. Additionally these people – at least the Muslim ones – are not compatible with our culture and our way of life. This can be seen easily by looking at the issues that England, Germany, and France are having as these people WILL NOT assimilate into their hosting countries. I have no issues with the United States assisting with humanitarian aid although there is much that needs to be done at home first(fix the VA).

Regardless – our Administration continues to allow porous borders and exceptions for illegals to stay and now risking catastrophe by importing a problem.

It is not going to turn out well.

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Question: Anyone have any experience with the Paratus line of gear – backpacks, pouches, etc? I am looking at the Paratus 3 Day Operator’s Pack. Has great reviews on Amazon and looks to be what I am looking for. At around $80 not a bad price either.


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Have a good week folks……


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