Monday, November 30, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | December Bootcamp

December Bootcamp

In preparation for my big resolucid next year, and since school is finally finished and I have all the time in the world, I have decided to make December a bootcamp month for myself. I'll be working hard on the fundamentals, memory, intent and awareness so that I can hit the ground running next year. Consistency of input is the big thing I need to improve on in order to get consistent outputs.

My goals for December:

-Write in my dream journal every night, no matter how much or how little I remember. (On a side night this will give me motivation to complete my dream journal formatting program I've been working on in python :).
-Meditate every day. I have gotten lax about it and I don't know why lol, it has been so beneficial. Sensory awareness meditation will help with my dream body awareness and breaths meditation should help with regular awareness and calmness.
-Post on Dreamviews every day. Not that related to lucid dreaming practice but will greatly help motivation and becoming more active is never a bad thing, right.
-Let go of the pressure associated with lucid dreaming. This is a tricky one as I generally either place too much emphasis on becoming lucid as a success, which leads to frustration and stress when it doesn't go according to plan, or place too little emphasis on it and become apathetic towards practice. Any advice here would be much appreciated :).
-Update my dreamsigns and reality checks. I am sure since I first tried to list my dreamsigns over a year ago some of them will have changed, and sorting that out will help me refine my practice.

So I think that's it. If anyone has any suggestions for anything else I could be doing feel free to say so. I am going away for the next few days so I probably wont be on Dreamviews then, but I'll be sure to post everything from there when I get back. Besides, it'll give me an opportunity to further test my theory that sleeping in a different location/while on holiday greatly boosts dream recall.

I'll keep progress of any major developments/accomplishments here. Righty-o, off we go!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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