Tuesday, November 24, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – November 25th, 2015

A lot of special sales going on right now. Some of them offer a great way to save not only on electronics, clothes, etc. but also on preparedness-related products. I just received an email that Earth Easy has their LifeStraw line of products on sale for 2 days only 25% off. Use promo code “READY25” and get a LifeStraw for only $14.96.

Click HERE for more information.

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Another day another series of disturbing things being reported in the headlines. The shooting in Chicago will no doubt hurt race relations as the media celebrate having something which raises ratings. Nevermind the countless others that are shot and killed every week in that city. Nope – no protests and no outrage as criminals commit crimes. The officer in this shooting will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Somehow the protestors and other “victims” of this crime will demand more – whatever that is.

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Things continue to heat up in Syria. ISIS keeps murdering and now Turkey has shot down both a jet and a rescue helicopter. I can’t help but think that right now those responsible are thinking to themselves…..”What the hell did we just do?”

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As I type this the Baofeng UV-5R handheld Ham radio’s are running just over $25.00 on Amazon. What a great deal.

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My Winchester Model 70 .270 shot well but seriously needs a trigger job. I swear it must be pulling at 6 pounds. Love the scope.

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Here is a thought – if those in favor of gun control had their way this is what you would be left with to protect yourself:








via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1lIKIPi

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