Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Im Buzzing but lost in space

Hi, so i have been practising DIELD lately and the following is happening. I wake during the dream with my alarm (no problem there) I then drift back to sleep holding some awareness (no problem there either) then i hit powerful cycles of head buzzing / vibrations lasting about 5 seconds each. After about 3 of these 'waves' of head buzzing vibrations everything goes quiet and Im awake for real (no false awakening)

Now in the past i have had 8 successful WILDs and each time i have the same head buzzing vibrations, once they finish i simply get up and find myself in a obe and go off and do a lucid adventure

But NOW after these vibrations i simply find im awake instead, so my question ..

When these strong sensations begin when DIELDing should i try to 'separate' or create a dream scene as the buzzing is actually occuring? Does anyone else experience this and what do you do to successfully transition?

Thanks guys

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1jhRFoQ

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