Thursday, November 26, 2015

Gathering Information: Simple method for downloading YouTube Video’s


As I build my preparedness library I am finding video’s are becoming a larger part than I originally intended. If a picture is worth a thousand words…well….a video is worth even more.  I am using multiple tablets and Kindle Fire’s to store my electronic library including the video’s.

You name it it can be found on video. This includes movies for entertainment, how to dress a deer, how to take care of a broken arm, instructions on building fences, etc.

The biggest challenge to putting together this video library is actually downloading the video’s so they can be viewed offline. Well – there is actually a very simple method.

Here it is:

Step #1 – Find the video you wish to download.


Step #2 – Find the url for the video at the top of the screen – see below. It starts with .

maxresdefault (2)


Step #3 – add a ss between www. and the youtube – then click enter



Step #4 – at this point another website opens. Now click the green “Download” button and the video will download automatically.

Notice the box next to the green Download button. You can change the video format if you wish.




That’s it!! Super simple and it works great.

Take care – Rourke




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