Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | WBTB Help

I've been having a frustration long dry spell since my last LD about 2 months ago.
To try and break it I have been re-visiting WBTB / WILD, but something just seems to not feel right.
I tend to wake naturally at about 4:00 or 4:30, so I go to the toilet, have a drink of water, and then get back to bed to try to WILD.
I lie on my back, and that feels right to try and WILD, but I just can't seem to transition. I get occasional HI, noises, images etc., but just as I think it's going to happen, I snap back to my bed and the moment is gone. I can do this for more than an hour and can't get to sleep or get lucid.
In the end I turn onto my side, but usually then I go to sleep quite quickly even if I try the usual methods to transition.
It's like lying on my back is too uncomfortable to relax into an LD, but lying on my side is too comfortable and I just drop off.

Any suggestions?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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