Sunday, November 1, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | 'NEW' Technique Respawned for 2015!

Ok so a dramatic headline but one which I hope will lead to lots of great ideas for this 'new' idea that I am to experiment to oblivion with.

I am 45 years old and started my quest for lucid dreams in March and have so far had about 25 lucid dreams albeit most low quality / under 30 seconds, i have tried all the methods, obsessed over FILD, WILD, DILD SSILD and all manner of 'ILDs.

I guess I have had the most success with SSILD but something was bugging me all along, through all the 1000's of posts I have read there was something that didn't quite 'fit' with me ... and that was the under promotion of DIELD

Now from what I understand, DEILD when executed properly is a hugely successfully technique with 99% success being quoted by various sources. I even read Michael Radugas book 'The Phase' which is all based on DEILD (he calls it 'indirect techniques') and this led me to believe that DEILD is not only the easiest (under correct conditions) but also the most important!

Important ... why? Well there nothing more frustrating that getting lucid and then having the dream fade / collapse and then having to wait days or weeks for the next one. This is too frustrating. If we were to master DEILD then this problem would be largely eradicated as we could simply 'chain' into the next lucid dream.

So why am i regurgitating what most people already know? Well, i had an experience which led to an idea which according to posts on DV was largely unobtainable due to lack of technology prior 2015 / 2014

As technology moves on more opportunities become available

The experience. A few weeks ago i was asleep on my back (dreaming away non lucid) i must have been snoring because my wife gently tapped me on the chest. i woke very very briefly not moving, keeping eyes closed and immediately tried to sleep again all within 5 seconds. On trying to sleep again, i saw an amazing array of grey swiring shapes in my vision (i rarely get this level of Hypnogogia) but this was magnificent and I knew that i was in the throws of successfully completing a DEILD, I lay still and just as i was about to transition my wife woke me again .. grrr

Anyway, i now understood the power of DEILD but more importantly the ease of which it can be executed if disturbed during a dream and how easy it can be so i spend days reading every single DEILD post on here. I saw the same ideas and opinions expressed again and again and to summarize there were 2 main principles that surfaced

1) Under proper conditions DEILD is the easiest way to enter a lucid dreams
2) There are 3 ways to begin a DEILD as follows

a) You either are already in a lucid dream and prepare as the dream fades. I will not be exploring this at all as im only concerned with getting lucid from a non lucid dream

b) You awake from a normal dream and very very quicklu regain some awareness and keeping still, eyes closed re enter the dream or...

c) You momentarily awake or are disturbed DURING a dream

so that last scenario is what peaked my interest, if only i could wake up IN a dream for a FRACTION of a second then i could just DEILD straight back in! wonderful .. but a problem. How would I do that exactly?

Well i researched and finally found an ideal app for iphone & andriod. Its an amazing alarm that can be set to play any sound, any voice recording but better than that, it can be set to go off at a certain time, sound the alarm for 3 seconds then auto switch off and then replay again in 15 mins time! I then bought ( for £10) an 'ear phone' which is a tiny headphone that sits right in the ear (bluetooth) so its comfy and no wires and started testing it. I went to bed at 11pm, set the alarm to first go off at 5pm for 3 seconds, automatically switch off then go off every 15 mins after that. I recorded my voice for the alarm which says 'keep still, eyes closed, re-enter dream' and set a low volume.

This resulted in me waking up 7 or 8 times during rem and at least 5 of those times was during a dream giving idea conditions for a DEILD, with practise it will become habit to know exactly what to do on these awakenings.

Im not going to post any results until I have tried this for a whilst. The beauty of this technique is that it gives me up to 8 chances each night to DEILD and i only need to get lucid in 1 of those

The reason for this post is that its only really this year and last that these amazing alarm apps are available and highly accessible to everyone now.

I have only found 1 other tutorial where a member actually interrupts their dream to DEILD (He calls it CANWILD and it is almost identical to what I am trying to do but I think he only attempt once per night, however he does claim to have a lucid dream every time he trys) . I know there are 100s of posts where people learn to awaken after a dream but this is no where near as powerful as waking DURING a dream

I would love any feedback from people that already interrupt their dreams to DEILD so that I can perfect the technique

Once I have got this technique working well to 1 lucid dream per night then I will have a way to help all other newbies to get lucid

I hope we can really 'big up' the importance and power of a dream interrupted DEILD


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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