Sunday, November 1, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – November 2nd, 2015


Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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Reminder: Next week I will be AFK so my daily “From the Desk of….” will likely be absent.

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A few years ago I started a monthly series called “Call to Action“. These served as a reminder to look at particular areas of preparedness, grade your level of readiness, and take action to improve it as necessary. I am going to restart this series soon and will republish these original posts as part of the continuing project.

Hope it’s useful.

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IDIOT OF THE WEEK: A Fort Brag soldier wore a suicide bomber costume for Halloween. This created a response from the bomb squad. Wow.

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This past weekend I picked up some pinto beans and Mylar packed them. I am on a food storage kick right now. As I go over more scenarios in my mind and read more books I am emphasizing food more and more.

Food. Food. Food. FOOD!!!

Variety is key. Staples such as rice and beans play a big part. Common canned foods are a major component. Freeze dried and dehydrated round out my food supplies.

Favorite foods stored away? Campbell’s Bean and Bacon soup, Bush’s Baked Beans, and Mountain House Chili Mac.

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Have a great week everyone!!!!


Oh…..and if you are a fan of the classic Christmas Story movie you might like this………










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