Friday, October 2, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | WILD Attempt - Something NEW happened. Advice pleeeeeze

Hi all (again) so in my quest to master the technique of WILDing I had something new happen last night and I am more confused than Scooby Doo as to what exactly went down.

I have had 10 successful WILD attempts since April and they all follow the same pattern below ...

I wbtb after 6 hours, i perform a mantra / meditation then i start to lose consciousness for brief seconds or minutes at a time before returning to my meditation / mantra. Along the dive i have short dreamlets appear, this all goes on for some time until i feel some really strong intense vibrations in my head. these last for 3 short 'waves' and then everything goes silent. I now know at this point that i can simply get out of bed and be in a false awakening, so i stand, nose plug and then fly off to dragon mountain for battle :-) ... and thats basically how all my WILDS work.

So last night something different happened. I went through all the same steps but for my anchor i tried the classic 100 countdown with a mantra timed to the breath. At about 70 i started to drift in and out of awareness with dreamlets here and there so I knew i was on the right track, i also remembering counting past 40 and then the next thing I will try to explain the best I can but as you know, relaying experiences ion words is quite tricky.

Im laying there and then all of a sudden i feel a very quick and subtle shift happen within me and within 1 second everything went quiet. Before i had ringing in my ears which i get often at night and i could hear my breathig but within 1 second it all kind went ssshhhhuummppppp!!!! .... silence!

I was full y aware and noticed i could still hear the clock ticking in the room but was unsure of where my state of consciousness was. As I lay there i pondered that i could be in a false awakening so i tried to levitate and twist my dream body but nothing happened. I lay there without doing any mantras or anything because i felt quite awake but I thought that was also odd because after only 6 hours sleep and all that anchoring i should have been asleep or very tired. so I just lay there, no HI or anything, i just did nothing, it was frustrating because i pondered that i could at that moment be in a FA but i just felt so awake. After a while i just thought to myself that I should check the clock so i opened my eyes and it had been 50 mins since the wbtb so i turned to my side and quickly fell asleep

So now that mystery...

After the countdown and the ssshhhuummpp to silence, was i awake or consciously asleep? If i was awake then why did I not feel sleepy seeing as minutes before i was free flowing in and out of consciousness. If I was actaully asleep and in a false awakening then what should i have done to transform it into a lucid dream (i did try visualizing a scene for a few seconds but nothing really happened.

Any help would be very welcome so that NEXT time this happens i will have some more knowledge of what to do

Many thanks guys (and girls)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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