Wednesday, October 21, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – October 22nd, 2015


For a limited time the Kindle edition of Air Rifles: A Buyers and Shooters Guide is free on Amazon. Just picked up myself.

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It appears that ebola might be making a return. Hopefully the CDC and agencies involved will be able to contain it.

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Speaking of the Kindle – I am getting ready to order a new Kindle Fire 7″ model. I have the original Kindle Fire and it still works good but the technological advancements in the current models – well, I want one. At only $49 and free shipping it is a great deal.

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Here is a Challenge: This challenge will in just the smallest way help this country and your fellow-man. Over the next two months get someone on board that isn’t right now. Talk to them about current events. Converse about the coming “harsh” winter. Talk to them about saving money by shopping sales, buying in bulk, and storing enough to last well past the next time it goes on sale.

Give it a shot. Make a difference.

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