Monday, October 12, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – October 13th, 2015

The wifey picked up 31 large mason jars yesterday for $20. Great deal. Now we just need to fill ’em.

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I have noticed that several people have attempted to join the Patriots but didn’t go all the way through with it. If you’re one of those please let me know if you ran into a problem. One issue I have seen is if the email address used for the membership is different than the one used for the Paypal payment it may not work. Seems this creates an issue and my membership software and Paypal can’t communicate.


I will be announcing alternatives to pay other than Paypal soon.

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Holy crap this is funny. Vanity Fair features an “interview” with Hillary Clinton where she admits to not being human and was created in a garage. A robot. It is suggested there may be a second email server – in her spleen!! Wow! I knew it all along.

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Did anyone watch the 60 Minute interview with Obama recently? Yeah, me neither – just bits and pieces. Watch this excerpt as Steve Kroft asks the President about Putin challenging Obama in Syria. I can not believe Obama’s reaction and answer.

I kept expecting Obama to wave his hand in front of Kroft to say “I am the greatest and no one challenges me” with some kind of Jedi-mind trick.







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