Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Attaining lucidity after waking up shortly

Hello everyone, I want to share my latest LD experience with you to see if anyone has done the same

So I was dreaming about my dad going to live to Canada, I was very mad when he was telling this to me.
Suddenly the scene became blurry and I started to wake up, the dream scene faded away slowly... this made me realize it was a dream and that I was about to wake up. When I noticed this I tried to focus on the dream, I paid special attention to my dad's face and voice, it was hard! It started being more a daydream than an actual dream... after maybe a minute I fell asleep again. I could not see anything but blackness but my dad's voice was still in the background, by this point I was lucid.
Then, the voice faded away and a completely new dream scene appeared... I explored a bit, the dream was short but it was a cool experience

Has anyone used a similar method to induce LD?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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