Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Just had my first (momentary) lucid in months! Next steps?

Hey guys,

So a couple nights ago, after doing a lot of research on lucid dreaming, I happened to actually get lucid for a second during a dream! Coincidence? Not sure.

You can read the whole thing in my DJ; it's my most recent dream. Essentially, I was wandering through a forest stealthily with a rifle, when suddenly a huge bear (one of my dream signs) stepped out from the foliage. It was at that moment that I realized I was dreaming, and got really excited. But I knew that the dream was going to collapse, so I tried running in circles (spin?) to stabilize it but I lost it.

Is this really what the "spin" technique is? Or am I mistaking it for something else? Just making sure -- I know I'm a real newb to lucid dreaming; I've only got 3 or so under my belt and the earlier ones happened when I was much younger.

Regarding the instability, the proper thing to do is to stay calm (somehow), right? I know I'll have a hard time with this just because I'm very excited about lucids in general, and because I hope to make them part of my lifestyle.

Also, I'm really hoping to take advantage of having a recent lucid in order to have more. Besides journaling everything and doing frequent reality checks, what do you guys recommend?


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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