Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Just a thought...

I know becoming lucid takes time, and effort, and I'm not going to give up! I have only been trying for about 12ish days now. But over the last few days I have had two dreams about dreaming. (NOT lucid dreams!)
The first one was that I was showing my brother my dream diary.
The second one, just last night was that I was walking on a road, thinking, "If I ever have a lucid dream, I will fly over this place!" The place I was thinking I would fly over was a place in a different dream that I had a few months ago.

This is progress, right? It's just so weird and annoying because in that dream last night, I was SO close!
Is this progress, and should I do more reality checks? Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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