Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Back in Action!

Hey guy's, I'm Henry, I used to study Lucidity When i was younger as I was very intrigued... The first night i Tried to be lucid I did!, for a couple of seconds, before excitement got the better of me, a few nights after again!, lucid, I remember waking up in my room and then walking to the top of the landing, doing a RC and seeing i had 7 Fingers, I became lucid and just messed about trying to control my dream. the third time I became lucid I was woken by my dream guide, who immediately told me i was dreaming and to become lucid, he then tried to teach me to fly. (not sure weather or not this one was a dream as i never did fly :(), But I'm now 24 (must be atleast 6 years since I last dreamt...) And i really want to get back into it...

So I Tried last night to WILD, Fought my body so hard and so painful i finally got SP (Sleep Paralysis)... However, My partner was breathing heavily which kept my brain from dreaming??? So for 3 hours I lay there, trying to become Lucid/Drift into a dream, and nothing, I had to fight my body for 5 minutes to wake it up. I then went to sleep after setting my alarm, Same thing, she was then tossing and turning and keeping me awake... felt like punching her lol...

But So far , not a lot has happened, any pointers or help anyone can give would be appreciated.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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