Sunday, October 25, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – October 26th, 2015

I call frequent visitors to ModernSurvivalOnline “Patriots” because likely you share many of the same beliefs and values. These include love of country, belief in the Constitution, and a defender of Freedom.

Something to consider when I refer to readers as Patriots.

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A fellow group member just picked up the CRKT Chogan T-Hawk and I had a chance to take a look at it. I really like it and am lacking in this department.

chogan (1)

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We all prepare for a variety of things that MAY happen at some point in the future. Think about this: There are things that are so much more likely to happen to you beyond the SHTF scenarios that you should prepare for NOW. A car accident is the most likely event to kill you today. Wear your seat belt. Pay attention. STAY OFF YOUR PHONE!!!

Wouldn’t that suck to plan for something that may happen in the future and then run into the back of a truck because you were texting?

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Edmund Burke

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The last few books I have read have really gotten me thinking. Due to a variety of represented scenarios the need for me and my family to relocate to an alternate location is becoming more logical. My plan has always been to bug in for most any situation. I often envision myself within the events of the books I read and in doing so can “learn” and adaptive to my system.

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Have a good week everyone.


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