Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Music and MILD

When I practice MILD I frequently become distracted from the mantra and stop repeating it before I fall asleep. However, I very frequently have music stuck in my head, so I had the idea that I could use that to my advantage. Last night I came up with a melody to go along with the MILD mantra I was using ("I know when I am dreaming") and repeated the resulting "song" in my head until it was stuck in my head. This allowed me to spend more time thinking about my mantra than I usually would when falling asleep. I didn't become lucid last night, but I will keep trying for longer to see how well this technique works. Has anyone else done something similar, and if so, how successful has it been?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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