Monday, October 26, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | I dream about my job A LOT! Can I turn these into Lucid Dreams?

Is there any way I can use this to my advantage, and turn every dream about my job into a lucid dream? Almost every night I dream about work!

Would it work to do a ton of reality checks like this during work (I work at a grocery store), thinking...

Am I dreaming, or do I see *carts that need to be collected* or *bread that needs to be stocked* or *drunk guy leaving the beer section* *or any of the hundreds of different things I see at work* at work?
Let's find out. *hits myself or jumps.* Then thinks...

I am NOT dreaming.
I am awake.
I am alert.
I am lucid!!!!

every time I see something different at work. I could easily do over 300 RCs a day during work! I did this once while keeping track of how many I did, and I did 425 RCs during one shift, 257 RCs during the first four hours of the shift!

Would it be best to include 'at work' when I do it, or not include it and hope it would also generate lucid dreams on non-work dreams?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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