Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Is it possible to dream while awake?

I know that's the whole premise behind lucid dreaming in general, but that's not exactly what I'm talking about. I mean like, can you be walking down the street and just suddenly start dreaming? Just like do-do-do minding my own business and then bam! you find yourself in a lucid dream. K, done with that, now I'll go into this store, etc. etc. Is that possible? Or do you have to be in bed completely asleep, immobile, the whole nine yards? I ask this because I've been able to consistently lucid dream every night now for a while but I've seen to sort of hit a plateau and unsure of how to proceed. I don't get out that much either so this question has always bugged me. I've always wondered if I'm always just left at home alone hallucinating on my bed while everyone else is out enjoying the real world. It's really starting to freak me out. I live with my parents, and even when they go away on vacation or to work or something I'll be able to still dream myself downstairs and they'll be right there like they never even left. It's really weird. Or maybe they are just AI bots or something like that, either way sometimes it's just too weird to dismiss. As I don't go anywhere, if I'm anywhere else than my room at home I know I'm dreaming. This has worked for me thus far, so I take it that if I find myself flying out my window or something like that it's pretty safe to assume that I'm lucid dreaming by that point?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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