Tuesday, October 27, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – October 28th, 2015

The Xiaomi 16,000mAh power bank which is in a featured review is currently on sale for $21.29 with Free Shipping.  Not sure how long the sale will last.

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Being reported that Ben Carson has taken the lead in some polls. I like it!

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I recently saw a headline “Selma Blair explains why she bought her son a toy gun.” This is ridiculous. In case you do not know who she is she is an actress. Pretty bad when an actress has to explain why her little boy has a toy gun.

I killed many bad guys in my backyard when I was a kid.

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FieldSupply.com is having a huge sale on SOG knives and tools. Check it out HERE.

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Appreciate all the suggestions on possible book topics. Very interesting ideas. I have narrowed down to a few and still taking suggestions.

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