Monday, October 26, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – October 27th, 2015

Just recieved the new November Emergency Essentials catalog and it looks awesome. I will highlight some of their special sales early next week.

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If your a diabetic and can use Freestyle glucose meters get a free one by going to this website:  –

Every member of your family is eligible to get one. Great for putting a few back. Special thanks to “Ralph” for sending this in.

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Check out SHTF: 23 Survival Experts Share Their Knife of Choice. I was one of those featured.

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Drone technology is really something else. The non-military hobbyist continue to push boundaries with range, maneuverability, and  usability. Really something to watch.

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Within a Facebook Preparedness Group one of the members posed a hypothetical question regarding a group of people hiding out in a small building along a street. They see what appears to be a gang of thugs heading in their direction and a baby in the group starts to cry. The obvious factor is if the gang of thugs hears the baby then the thugs will know they are there.

What do you do about the baby?

What was disturbing was not the variety of suggestions but one person actually said that gangs and groups of “bad people” was a myth of preparedness. She believes that when the SHTF people will be worried about themselves and that is it.




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