Monday, October 26, 2015

8 Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide

Most all of us have a bottle – or twelve – of hydrogen peroxide put back. Did you know that its uses are more than just wound disinfection? Hydrogen peroxide actually has a multitude of uses and makes the storage of it even more important.

Oh and by the way there is a reason hydrogen peroxide comes in a dark brown bottle. It is because light will ruin its potency.

It should be obvious to see how all of these uses are directly related to preparedness.

Here’s the list……

Tooth Cleanser – mix with baking soda to make an extremely effective tooth cleaning paste.

Antiseptic Mouth Rinse – Hydrogen peroxide can help with canker sores as well as kill germs causing bad breath. Consider diluting with water to verify it won’t cause too much irritation if used full strength.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner – Pour a half a cup into the toilet bowl and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Come back and wipe clean.

Pet Saver – If your pet swallows something they shouldn’t have and you need to make them throw up simply get them to drink some hydrogen peroxide. Very effective as within minute the animal will be vomiting.

Disinfect and Clean Wounds – the most obvious use.  Irrigating the wound with hydrogen peroxide can help clear away dead tissue and kill bacteria.

Acne and Boils – Just like treating a wound the use of hydrogen peroxide on infected acne and boils and greatly increase the healing. It works!

Athlete’s Foot – There are different types of fungus that cause athlete’s foot as well as jock itch. Many people have had success treating these fungi with hydrogen peroxide.

Household Cleaning – Disinfect your countertops by  mixing hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts. Remember to keep the mixture away from light to protect the hydrogen peroxide from loosing its strength. Something to consider if no other cleaning agents are available.

Hope this list generated a few ideas and will get you to put back a few extra bottles.

Gotta get going now. Heading to the dollar store to pick up a few bottles of hydrogen peroxide.







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