Monday, October 5, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Some Research based Lucid Dreaming Induction recommendations

Hello fellow LD aspirants!

I'm a research person researching lucid dreaming from the past three months.
All my research so far has led to the uncovering of many fascinating interrelated facts. Of the many observations I have encountered so far, the following is worth mentioning and will perhaps be helpful in inducing a Lucid Dream successfully:

*Gamma brainwaves are perhaps the key to Lucid Dreaming. When Gamma brainwaves along with Theta form a majority of your brainwaves, it surely means you are lucid dreaming right now.*
So, if you successfully enter this state, congrats, you have induced a lucid dream! This state is entered every time someone lucid dreams, meaning, lucid dreaming triggers this state and vice versa.
Now, the question is, HOW do we enter thus state? There are a number of ways I found out:

1.Meditate on BlissCoded Sound- Awake in Theta - mp3 for meditation, available for 19$: seems a promising path to follow, lucid dreaming is right round the corner as this perfectly matches the requirement as per my research. It has worked in many cases, but I do not guarantee as the seller does not guarantee it.
The link to buy Awake in Theta Blisscoded Sound mp3:
Awake in Theta —

2. Meditation : many swear on meditation as the absolutely absolute path to achieve perfect lucid dreams - the reason being that you generate gamma waves when you meditate. Tibetians and easterners follow meditation and dream yoga to achieve lucid dreams and have found long lasting bliss and a lot of success in lucid dreaming. Maybe you could read 'Dreaming Yourself Awake' by Mr.Allan Wallace for further insight. You could also tweak this method to suit your requirement - such as making meditation as a part of your lucid dreaming routine or meditation with WBTB at REM time. Seems very promising, but it will take time if we have never tried meditation, after all, all of us aren't yogis right?

3. G-Breath - Behold! The super easy way to generate gamma waves and channel it's energy to achieve lucid dreams. I would recommend WBTB plus gamma breathing (5 g-breaths + 5 g-wave breaths, or whatever combination you wish) and going back to sleep trying to hold that lightheaded feeling for some time allowing it to gently drift you off to sleep. You could feel the lightheaded sensation (something like how you perform the cycles in SSILD, but here you're feeling the light-headed sensation) and think happy thoughts of lucid dreaming while going back to sleep. The links to tutorials on g-breath and g-wave breath are:
G breath:-
G-wave breath:-
The complete science and tutorial on g-breath can be found in the site Life Mastery | One place for all the training, techniques and technology you need to master your life. You can register (free) and take the course Breath Mastery (the one with 4 lessons) (free). A very enlightening experience!

1.Forgive me for this super long post, but I couldn't contain myself :P
2. Do try this out and comment!
3.Queries? Comment!
4.Disclaimer- These recommendations are based only on my research, and I am not advertising any method/product here.
5. I shall be starting (this time, with seriousness) with the third recommendation (the g breath thing) from tonight. Shall post results after doing it continuously for 21 days (yeah, nights!). Wish me luck, or join me, let's try out together!
6. All the best! Have fun!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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