Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Confidence is the key

I work waking night shifts from 10pm till 8am.Some of my replies on here from different questions have said that my chances of LDing when i go to bed in the morning after my shift will be quiet high due to REM bebound.
The reason i dont usualy try and LD using WILD is because usualy if im on the shift the next night i worry that im wasting valuble sleep time trying my WILDs plus u need to be still to WILD and my dogs sleep with me =/
This saturday iv made a goal which is giving me confidence that it will happen.When i come home after my shift on a saturday my gf will be there and she can take the dogs out the room so its just me and my i have saturday off so im in no hurry to sleep.Plus friday night before my shift i will purposly sleep less so by the time i WILD on saturday morning it will happen quickly and easier.
Maybe my battle is the fact that deep down i think for example...yeah i probs wont be Lucid tonight but maybe ill remembrr a normal dream......Due to setting myself a goal and making surre everything is prrfect before i attempt my WILD will mean it will work.Im not the most confident or positive prrson but planning a goal and working towards it and getting myself exited for it will maybe help towards 'my way' of bieng a good LDer =) wish me luck and ill post how well my success will be =)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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