Monday, October 5, 2015

From the Boat of John Rourke – October 6th, 2015

The situation in South Carolina is horrible. My immediate area received far less rain than further south. Columbia is 1 hour from me and has been devastated. Roads are washed out. Homes are underwater. The University of SOuth Carolina is on lockdown and limiting students to 3 bottles of water per day. Gee – preparedness is really nuts, huh?

Brings back memories of my time at college when Hurricane Hugo hit.

A couple who lives across the street  – the wife’s mother lives down in Columbia. They just declared mandatory evacuations. I volunteered to go down and try to reach her but the mother says there are no roads out of her property. I told the wife that if her mother cannot leave to contact the authorities for assistance. There is no water rising near her neighborhood but a couple of dams nearby broke and there is a risk.

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How many people across the state are having to boil water? Ration food because they only have what sits in the cupboard and can’t make it to the store?

It’s a lesson. You just never know what is going to happen and to whom.


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