Thursday, October 1, 2015

Don’t own a gun? No better time than now!

Seems like there are more and more terrible events happening where some mentally-unstable person takes the lives of innocent citizens via a mass shooting. When it happens it makes national news and the anti-gun movement gets a huge boost of both money, and public support. I do see gun control measures increasing substantially within the next several years. A few more headlines of people getting killed by “evil guns” and gun control measures will be all the talk in Congress. Even those in support of the 2nd Amendment may make concessions in an effort to stay in office when the next round of elections come around. 


Why own firearms? Pretty simple- protection. Take a look at the evidence: In New Orleans and surrounding areas after Hurricane Katrina massive looting and crime spread like wildfire as low-life’s took advantage of the lack of law enforcement and prayed on innocent victims.  In a disaster – whether it be an economic collapse or wide spread power outage – you must be able to defend yourself, your family, and your property.

The point of this post is not to provide instruction and ideas on what guns to have but rather to serve as a reminder that guns are an integral part of anyone’s survival and preparedness system. Everyone has unique situations which may dictate one firearm selection over another. Regardless – find what works for you, buy it, get training, and stock up.

If you never need it……great! You have it.

If you end up needing it and don’t have it……well……..



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