Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Was this a lucid?

Hi everyone,

Iv been trying to learn to lucid the last two weeks, keeping a dream journal and doing reality checks daily. For my RC i look at my hands and say 'next time i am dreaming i will look at my hands and realize i am dreaming', then i count my fingers while repeating it, try to put my finger through my hand and finally rub my hands together.

Last night i had a weird, semi lucid ish which is similar to the first semi lucid i had over a year ago. This is all i remember:

I was in a room, with my brother i think and someone said something to me, i cant remember exactly what but it just didnt make sense and i stopped mid dream and thought 'wait this cant be right'. 'Maybe im dreaming' so i tried to push my finger through my hand and it went through, i did it again then counted my fingers and i had a weird extra pinky tacked onto my right hand. I rubbed my hands together a few times. The dream didnt feel clear, it was groggy and i didnt get the 'wow' feeling. i just thought i better not get excited and wake myself up.

I think i fell back asleep properly then though because thats all i can remember of it and i dont think i woke up afterwards, though i did remember it till morning. The dream itself was so cloudy that im not even sure it was a lucid even though i did realize i was dreaming.

What to ye think? Was this a lucid? Am i getting close? :cheeky:

(Apologies if this is in the wrong place!)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1fq9RYV

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