Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Fryingman's one month get your butt in and out of bed on time CHALLENGE!

OK, this is ridiculous. My bedtimes can vary as much as 3 hours from one night to the next. That's towards the extreme end of the spectrum but does happen. I'm sick of it. Everybody says that a regular sleep schedule and routine is very important for recall and lucid dreaming. I believe it, I had really good recall almost from the start of my LD practice, and at that time I had ideal conditions: to bed at the same time every day more or less, on vacation out of the city, house was in an absolutely silent location, pitch black nights, sleeping in a single bed (no bed partner moving around / snoring).

I do a LOT of day time practice, I journal fairly regularly (I *always* try for recall, and always reach for more and more), and yet my LD frequency is fairly stable at only about 3-6 per month. I go a couple weeks with nothing, get one or two, then a couple more weeks with nothing, then one or two, etc. My goal is multiple per night every night, so I have a ways to go.

So, what am I not doing right? Sleeeeeeep scheeeeeduuuuuulllle!!! My to-bed and up-from-bed times are all over the map. I go to bed late and compensate by staying in bed late. After all I want those dreams! My poor body must be so confused it's like it's always mildly jet lagged, it never knows when it's going to get some sleep.

OK so time to grab the bull by the horns. For one month I dedicate myself to going to bed before midnight (goal is 11pm but that's pretty hard in my family), and get out of bed no later than 9am, regardless of how much I've slept/dreamt. I'll consider longer sleeping and CAT after this month, I want to see the effect of a very rigorous to-bed and out-of-bed schedule. And no naps for this month.

Day 1: last night: in bed at 23:51, and out of bed at 08:58.

Anyone else struggling with a bad sleep schedule, the more the merrier, so join me for this experiment!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1dpJ6Cy

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