Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Is this progress?

This morning I dreamt I was on a beach and there was a guy nearby. I thought "I want that guy to come here.. if this was a dream I could make that happen. I should do it in my next lucid dream". It was a bit frustrating because I thought about lucidity but didn't become lucid, but I'm thinking maybe it's progress because my mind is starting to internalize my intention and focus on lucid dreams? What do you think? I've been practicing mindfulness meditation, maintaining a self-aware state of mind throughout the day for as long as possible and doing reality checks as often as possible and whenever something out of the ordinary happens, for about 4 days. I also had a similar dream a few days ago, about being frustrated that I can't become lucid in a dream. Could these dreams about lucidity be a sign of small progress? I know it takes weeks for meditation and self-awareness to take effect in dreams as DILDs, a more long-term reliable LD method, but just wondering.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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