Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Sleep paralysis help?

So, I need some help to induce sleep paralysis.

I've a sleep paralysis three times exactly in my life, and all of that times unintentionally. I will write them anyway but I don't think it's useful.

first, when I woke up and I felt too sleepy and weak to move or open my eyes, although I tried hard (hadn't heard of it that time)

and second(I had sleep paralysis twice that night), when I lay on my back for an hour, but I couldn't get sleep paralysis.Later, I just lay on my side and suddenly I began hearing voices and couldn't move.

So, every time I try to induce sleep paralysis, I find it impossible. I don't move at all, and lie on my back,clear my mind, but I can't induce it.My body does become "heavier", a bit hard to move, but never have hallutinations,hear voices or paralyse my body, except those accidental occasions.So why?Any other way to induce sleep paralysis?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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