Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | A blockade for my success.

Every single lucid I've ever had had ended up as this. Moment of lucidity, everything instantly falls apart. This pattern occurs invariably. And that would be okay if not for the fact that the last two times I have become lucid I shouted, "Clarity now!" to stabilize. It works, the previously instant fading begins to undo itself into its previous dreamscape. But the moment it's done, it just does it again, except now it's not a fade but an instant stop. After this, I can never remember whether or not I wake up, return to a Non Lucid dream, or what. I'm fairly sure it's not that I'm freaking out (getting too excited) either but I can't prove that.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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