Friday, March 14, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | A Complete Guide to RC's and DILD

Now, people have been asking me: "Twitch, what is your secret? You got all those LDs so fast "

Well, I don't really have a secret. I don't do anything that you never heard of.

But alas, I do things right.

Table Of Contents:

Dream Recall


Reality Checking

What do you 'right'?

Background info about DILD's

Dream Recall

Probably my least favorite part, but it is VERY important for LDing period. All techniques need it, especially DILDS.

Whats the point of having LD's if you can't remember them?

So first, the three options you can do are

1: Use a dream journal, old fashioned but very reliable

2: Use a Voice Recorder, only use for keywords

3: Remember your dreams mentally, takes lots of practice to do this

So lets just say you're using a dream journal. Put a title on it, and then write down your dreams. LD or not, its important. You can add things like Vivid meters and stuff but really I like to put the Date, time, and title. Make it simple, and with it being simple, don't freak out if you get lazy and don't write it down. EVERY LDer does this, just remember to get back on track mkay? :D


Now before we get to far into this, remember: LDing is for everyone, but its a thing you have a to work for. Its not hard, but you HAVE to work. You won't always have access to electronics for LDing, so remember:

If you wan't to LD, take it seriously but always take it as a joke also. :)

Reality Checking

Now, here is the fun part.

Reality checking, haha! :D

We have lots of reality checks to choose from, like a candy store.

So lets narrow it down and see whats right for you!

Simple Hands Reality Check: Good if you don't need free time, but bad if you do not have much privacy.

Palm: Simple and good on time, and good on privacy.

Nose Plug: Good on time, bad if you don't have privacy.

So now that we got the simple one down, pick one!

When do I do a reality check?

Well if you are at a school that has 6 periods, I do it 3 times every period.

If you don't go to school, then try to do 3 a hour.

When you do this, know you will become lucid because of this. I will get into that later, but, study your hands. You don't need to get all yoda, and don't be serious. Just look at it, anything strange? All 5 fingers? No mirrored fingers? No glitches?

In your mind, don't talk animated. Talk like your telling you subconscious these things.

"Well, my hands have all 5 fingers, nothing is glitchy, I am not in a strange place. So no, I am not dreaming, but next time I am dreaming I will look at my hands and notice that I am dreaming."

What do you do 'right'?

Not much, but their are some thing that are very important. Belief...ugh..well

thats a bunch of bullcrap. Its all about KNOWING you are going to get lucid. No doubt in your mind.

Now with that, like I said last section, I study my hands for no more then a minute.

Background Info About DILD's

Now, last section.

DILD is the lucid dreamers ticket to a easy LD. If you do RCing right, its guaranteed.

Everyone can do these things differently, so try your own variations! Go on! Do a reality check!

You might just be dreaming right now, ;)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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