Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | empty white space

First, sorry, this is kind of long, and it's my first post and I'm not sure where to post this. And also english isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes.

I think I had my first lucid dream yesterday and it kind of just happened without me expecting it and really wasn't like anything I thought it would be. I didn't get it directly from an awaken state, but I didn't realize within a non-lucid dream that i was dreaming neither. It happened about one hour after i had fallen asleep.

It was as if there was a sudden white space in which I materialized out of nowhere and I just thought "Ho! i'm dreaming!" then looked at my hands that were a bit transparent but i could really feel my body like I was completly there, physically. I pinched my nose to try and breath even if I knew I was dreaming, and then I tried to speak and I could feel the sound coming out of my throat, like when you haven't spoken for a long time and your throat is soar. It came out a bit rough first and then it worked well. I tried calling the name of someone I wanted to be there, but it didn't work.

I was beginning to be afraid because I already had a false awakening some months ago and it was kind of scary and it's like I was focusing on the fear instead of the fact that I was lucid dreaming.

I kept trying to call the person and moved a bit, but all I got was a train controller (lol the guy that you see yell all aboard! in movies) that looked at me as if I was mistaken. (a few minutes after I woke up I realized I was calling out the wrong family name lol maybe that was it)I'm not sure if there was an actual train, I don't think so, just the controller in that white space.

Then I tried to spin a lot, because I was aware that I was focusing on my fear of a false awakening and I didn't want the dream to end. I was spinning a lot but it didn't change the white space. I then tried to focus on visualizing the person I was trying t get and a splash of colors were kind of melting together beginning to create his image and I panicked and decided it would be better to check if I didn't have a false awakening, so the dream faded and I opened one eye.

I never dreamt of a white space before, and I thought it was weird that the dream started right away like that. I was wondering what I should do next time if I find myself again in that white space, and how to keep thinking about the dream instead of focusing on my "real life body"? There was nothing scary that happened but right after I was really scared and kind of thinking that maybe I shouldn't try again (but that passed and I still want to try). And also, since the lucid dream happened out of nowhere, is there any chance I will have another one again or I was just lucky?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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