Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Just an observation about what triggers lucidity for me

I went through my lucid dreams recently (55 total) and reviewed what triggered me to do a reality check or triggered lucidity without a RC. I was attempting to categorize them so I could work on what to recognize while dreaming, thereby increasing my chance of attaining lucidity.

I ended up with 2 major categories:

1.Doing a RC or attaining lucidity based on things I’ve learned about lucid dreaming.

Doing a RC out of habit

Recognized I was dreaming based on the feeling of a dream

Recognizing a dream sign

Remembering I was awake moments before

2.Doing a RC or attaining lucidity based on an emotional response to an event (“WTF!” moments).

Event – something that is impossible or defies logic (My wife is flying)

Event – seeing something that I know isn’t correct (I look in the mirror and I have perfect abs)

Event – highly improbable (finding a bunch of money on the ground)

For the first category makes up 16% of my LDs. The second category makes up 84% of my LDs. So for a DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dream) it appears to me that a reasonably strong emotional response stands a better chance of triggering a reality check/lucidity than just a habit. The trick is to actually have that emotional response to an event. I have many events that should be WTF moments in my normal dreams, and due to dream logic I have very little emotional response.

Currently I am working on making RCs into a strong habit and hoping it transfers to my dream life. I may also have to try to pay more attention to my emotional state, and do reality checks when have, even small, WTF moments.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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