Friday, June 5, 2015

Reminder…..”SHTF Weapons Loadout” Contest

Here it is folks….the latest contest here at ModernSurvivalOnline. This one has entries featuring SHTF Weapons Loadout Gear.

The collapse has happened. There is no rule of law. There are roving bands of brigands and gangs. How will you be outfitted? A tuxedo? I don’t think so. I am talking about vests, battle belts, load bearing equipment – and corresponding firearms and accessories.

Entries will consist of a photograph of your loadout. Pretty simple, huh?

Well…..maybe not. Entries will be judged on the quality of the photograph, included description, and level of creativity used. Come on folks – get creative!

Let’s go over a few rules:

  • Contest will run from June 8th through July 4th with winner being announced on July 5th.
  • One entry per person. Entry should include a picture and description of what is featured in the photograph. Remember the description is part of what is being judged here – not just the picture.
  • This contest isn’t about who has the most expensive equipment….period.
  • I have the authority to reject any submission for any reason.
  • Let’s have fun with this AND share ideas on loadouts.
  • You do NOT need to include a picture of yourself. Just your gear is fine or you can blackout your face. Totally up to you.


To enter simply send your picture and corresponding description to: emergency (at) gmail (dot) com. Please include “SHTF Loadout Contest” as the subject. If you have a special name you wish to be called include that as well in the email.

Entries must be received by July 1st in order to get published.


What will the winner receive?

First Place will receive a case of MRE’s from  This case consists of 12 meals produced in 2015 and include flameless ration heaters. (domestic shipping only)


Second Place will receive a Sawyer Mini Water Filtration System.

Third Place will receive…..I don’t know……it will be a surprise.

*****Note: All submissions become the sole property of ModernSurvivalOnline.


That’s it folks! Now get those creative juices flowing and get to work!

Good luck




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