Sunday, June 7, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 8th, 2015 sponsor has recently added a bunch of nrw products. Check out the “New Arrival” section of their website HERE. The also have sandbags back in stock and their clearance section is packed with paracord.

Great deals.

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Pretty interesting. I will let you draw conclusions….


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Put up a new 14 foot above ground pool this past weekend. They make these things so they go up pretty quick. Unless we get some holes planning on leaving it up for a couple years. 3000 gallons of water  – only paid $99.

Will be so nice to jump in during the hot South Carolina summer.

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Speaking of the heat – the sun can wreak havoc on our skin this time of year. Don’t forget the sunscreen (in your go bag as well). Severe sunburns suck.





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