Sunday, June 14, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 15th, 2015

Looking forward to taking another course from Wolf-Fire Firearms in July. This next one is titled “Tactical Response Course” and promises to be both educational and fun. If you are in the Mooresville, NC area check ’em out.

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Went and saw Jurassic World this past weekend. Impressive. Great entertainment.

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Major heatwave through the South this past week as well as upcoming. Unusually hot in the 90’s every day. Hydratation incredibly important during activity. Many are getting up early to get things done so they can stay inside and in the shade during the day.

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Youtube favorite SouthernPrepper1 has released his 2nd book – The Seven Step Survival Plan. It is available in paperback, Kindle as well as Audible formats. Check it out HERE.

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This past weekend I got into a discussion with two women regarding abortion. I am against it – adamantly. The other two are for it – literally. They both stated that an unborn child is a parasite no different than cancer.

It was every I had not to spew an endless array of colorful metaphors in their direction but I remain respectful arguing my points with logic and facts. They on the other hand used profanity and emotions to try to get their point across. One of them also said there was no difference – none – between the killing of n unborn child and my eating bacon. Yup – the pig which I consume to maintain my life has equal value in her eyes as an unborn child.

These are the people – with the Liberal Progressive mindset – that have ideas so twisted that although human I consider almost to be another species.











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