Thursday, June 18, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 19th, 2015

Couldn’t decide if I was going to write this or not. Its late and I am supposed to get up and work out in the morning.


It’s everywhere. The tragedy of 9 innocent people being murdered in a church. It’s terrible. Let me tell you what else is a tragedy…….the main stream media.

Everywhere the fact that the killer is white and the victims are black are being broadcasted. Gun control is being mentioned so frequently that it could be assumed that the gun was responsible rather than the shooter. Racism is being constantly mentioned. I am so sick of the words “hate crime”.

Let me summarize it up for you…..

This guy was evil and killed some people and that is terrible. He probably did hate those people and his decision on who to kill was likely based on color. I get it. BUT – people are killed every day and a lot more than 9 yet there is no national outcry. Yeah – I will bring it up again but there are thousands of abortions daily and the news ignores it. I am now hearing numerous black people come out and say things like “Where can we be black?” Just ridiculous. The killer has been caught and as far as I am concerned should sit in the electric chair and fry.

Gun control is now at the forefront as usual whenever there is a mass shooting. Apparently my rights must be infringed upon due to the actions of others. Politicians, lobbyist groups, actors, etc. will be taking advantage of this tragedy and milking it to further their agenda. The main stream media is no different. Rather than reporting facts they will hang on the emotions of the situation and further the Progressive agenda including gun control.

How about this one – Thousands of people are killed every year by illegal immigrants. Why is there not a national outcry for a wall to be built? Why is the mainstream media not reporting on this fact? I will tell you why because it does not further their agenda to tell the truth.

I can’t imagine the sorrow and frustration the families must be feeling that have had their loved ones taken. I pray for the victims and their families.



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